This leo is on fire

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Greetings fellow Writer and of coarse the readers we inspire I haven't done that but we are on part whatever we are on enjoy

Aaahh I said I am on fire the girl next to me said when you said people people never forget doing stuff with you I did not expect this

Afew hours earlier

Passengers we are approaching Australia so buckle your butts because Leo accidentally got on a skydiving tour insert evil laugh then i heard someone else say Leo Leo wake up

They said mr Valdez we have landed in Australia I said cool and exited the plane their was this house that I figured was the opra house

But their was the tour guide a gulped it was the person from the store I said hi then she said hello wait your the customer who was short then I said really Is that how you remember me

Can't you remember me by the extremely awesome and handsome guy she said I don't think anyone will ever refer to you as that

I said maybe then she said I barely remembered you then I said really normaly people don't forget hanging out with me ok she said then I said what is your name she then said calypso

Then she said well looks like it is turned for me to guide you to the other meteor I said other then she said their are more meteors they sent two groups to find them by I said really

She led me to the meteor and then it disappeared and someone appeared he said my son their isn't enough time you need to

Take this ring I said your my father he said yes and put a gold ring with a hammer on it then my phone rang it was Ryan then the phone lit on fire

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