Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I am tired of this guy thinking he is the godfather of America. I am the legend, I am greater than what he will ever hope to be in this lifetime. 

" Big man in a suit of armor. Take that off, what are you?"

Well Captain fucking America you want to go there than let's do this. You think your old ass is all big and bad.

" Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist."

"I know guys with none of that worth ten of you. I've seen the footage. The only thing you really fight for is yourself. You're not the guy to make the sacrifive play, to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you."

Great a memorial speak from grandfather time. Blah...blah....blah..

" I think I would just cut the wire." I said.

" Always a way out. You know, you may not be a threat, but you'd better stop pretending to be a hero."

" A hero? Like you? You're a laboratory experiment, Rogers. Everything special about you came out of a bottle."

" Put on the suit, let's go a few rounds."

Thor started laughing, telling us how petty we are. Everyone joining in. Like I would waste my time and fuel trying to go a few rounds against him. He doesn't know what he is up against. If Thor couldn't beat me down what makes him think that he can. Whatever I walked away to go get the Tesseract and he stopped me. He actually grabbed my arm and stopped me. The nerve.

" You're not going alone," he said.

Smacking his hand away I said," oh you're going to stop me."

" Put on the suit, let's find out."

" I'm not afraid of you old man."

" Put on the suit."

Before I can yell at him to leave the suit shit alone, the helicarrier shifted and the lab we were in exploded.

I got up and looked at him, seeing if grandfather time was still alive.

" Put on the suit."

" Yep."

I ran to where my suit was located and noticed that he was following me. I gave instructions to get to the panel that controlled the engine that blew out. Finally got to the room and put the suit on, chuckling to myself. I didn't want to put it on now thanks to some asshole, I have no choice. Again thanks to that same asshole I have to work with grandfather time.


 After starting the helicarrier engine that blew out we all met up, well most of us. Turned out that Thor got sucked out of the prison pod that was holding his brother, don't know if he is alive. Hulk smashed to many times and crashed somewhere in New York. We did get Hawkeye. The one that hurt the most was finding out Coulson died. Nick showed us the things that were in his suit last. Cap's old trading cards blood smeared, thanks to that fucking Loki guy. We, at least I, am going to Avenge his death.

 Some hours later, including some sneaking around after we found out the exact location of the Tesseract, we left the helicarrier. Me in my suit and everyone left in a jet we stole from Fury. I went to my tower, and conversed, more like threatened, with Loki. Until the portal opened and all hell broke loose. Needless to say we all found each other in front of Grand Central Station. We spent a good while killing enemies and these big floating maggot roach alien things. I have not come up with a name yet.

 Nick informed me that the council had a missile headed in our direction. At the same time Natasha, bless her, told me she had a hold of the staff and could close the portal. My genius came to me and I told her to keep it open, that I was going to take the missle into space to blow them up. Told her to count to so much and then close it. Needless to say that I succeeded but all I remember is seeing the aliens blowup and feeling a strong pull back to earth.

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