Chapter 5

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Suit after suit after suit after suit.

One in green, one in blue. One in orange, one in black. One for the police, one for the army.

My arsenal of suits can outdo the world but there isn't enough. I need to keep working, I need more. One for every important person in the world. One for every homeless person in the world. One for......


I blink rapidly, clearing my head and am thankful for the interruption because I was welding a hole into Mark 105. But still there's an interruption.

I don't even need to turn to see who it is. Just by the sound of their walk and time of day, I know who it is.

"Tony can you please come out of here and step into the sunlight for a bit. You're getting a little pale, its worrying."

"I'm always pale."

One hundred percent fact. I could hide against a wall at this point. The sun and I haven't seen each other in weeks.

"Tony come on please."

"Capsicle you do this every day and every day is the same. I ain't leaving unless it's an emergency."

And hulk throwing furniture wasn't an emergency that one time either.

"YOUR PALENESS IS AN EMERGENCY. You're starting to look grey."

" Temper, temper," I finally turned around to look at him and give him a smirk.

"You need sun, you need to get out and smell something other than burning metal and oil. Tony I'm only looking out for your health."

I rolled my eyes and picked up a remote off the desk. Oh I'll give the sun it's overdue hello alright.

"You say I need sun right?" I clicked a button and the window above me opened, letting the sunlight shine on me as if I were a god. I put my hands out like the Christ statue in Brazil.

Steve crossed his arms and glared at me through slitted eyes. Clearly he wasn't amused. I completely am, it was a good comeback.

"Not what I meant smart alec."

I chuckled and stretched my arms upwards and..... sniff...sniff sniff...... got damn I need a shower. That deodorant does not last long apparently.

" Fine you win capsicle but ooooonly because my BO could kill a herd of deer right now."

" More like a small island," I heard him murmur under his breath. Eyes looking at the ceiling trying to act like he said nothing, the ass.

Another silent chuckle from me and I motioned for him to lead the way out of the lab, which he turned down and motioned for me to go first. Clever old man. Knows I would lock him out real quick.

We walked into the elevator and now have to wait to go from the basement, I guess you could call it, to the sky.

" So what's new in the world that I don't already know Rogers."

" Not much, just Thor has gone back to Asgard again. Something about his father I don't know. Have you checked in with Pepper lately, she's called a couple of times."

I face palmed and sighed. I keep forgetting and when I do remember I keep over calling. I handed the business things to her and made Happy my top security guy in the tower, while I create my army of suits.

" I'll call her after I shower and head back to the lab, " feeling some major side eye heat, " after I eat and chat of course."

Glancing to the side I saw him nod in approval and for some reason it made me happy. I've gotten soft these past weeks when it comes to Cap. I can't find an explanation for it. I mean I'm still an asshole to him at times but it's not as bad as before. I might be dying.

" Earth to Stark. You just passed your room, maybe you should get some sleep while you're at it."

" Pfft sleep. Who needs sleep? I'm Tony fucking Stark."

"Language, " he said with a deep sigh, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose.

" Yeah Yeah Mother Rogers, I'll see you later."

With another sigh and a half salute, I watched him walk down the hall to his own room. He's probably going to sit there and draw. What he draws, I couldn't tell ya because he keeps it a secret.

The look on his face when I asked to see was......priceless. Capsicle turned into a cherry popsicle.

Wait how long have I've been standing in my doorway just looking at his door. I'm losing my mind, maybe sleep is a good idea. Then I'll call Pepper and pester her a bit. Pick on Happy after, it's been too long. much to do.

Stretching I made my way into my room.


Holy jesus, we are definitely taking a shower first.


I know not enough but the writers block and life struggles are real.

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