Chapter 6

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That long shower was much needed. I smell so magical, I bet I'll have a hard time keeping people off me. I wonder what Cap would think of this new soap.

Wait why do I keep up with these questions.

"Jarvis can you get Pepper on the phone."

"Right away sir."

Haven't talked to Pepper in a bit since I been in the lab. I'm a terrible partner.

"Sir theres no answer."

Hmm how odd must not be in yet. I'll try in 15 minutes.

"Video call Happy for me on the small tablet as soon as I enter the lab please."

"Yes sir."

Don't want to disappoint the old man and not show up downstairs. More like I don't want him hovering like the mother figure he tries to be.

I walked out of the room and took the elevator down to the socializing area. Hulk proof furniture is still intact I see, perfect. Following the voices into the kitchen, everyone but Thor was sitting at the table. Felt like the kid late for class because as soon as I walked in there was silence and stares.

"Uh you can all blink if you wish? Why are you all staring?"

Natasha was the first to speak, "we found it hard to believe that Steve actually got you out of the lab. We're amazed."

" Well believe it. I took one look at that dorito and I became famished."

"Hey I do not look like a dorito!" Steve yelled out.

Clint looked at Steve and started laughing hysterically. Which in turn made everyone start joining in, even Cap himself.

" I agree with Tony," Barton wheezed between laughter," you're upper body is a triangle dude. You'll be the cool ranch dorito because you're blonde."

I shook my head and walked to the refrigerator to grab one of the premade sandwiches I keep in stock at all times. When you're a genius like muah, time is money and I don't have time to make a sandwich. My sandwich game is strong.

" Thank you Clint for the killing the joke. I must be off to the lab."

" But Tony you just walked up here," Natasha said with a frown.

" And I must go back. I have to check in on Pepper and Happy."

Steve started the questions, " did you shower?"


Natasha, " grab something to eat?"

I grabbed the sandwich out of the container and ate it in front her. Her squinting at me and I staring right back. I finished in 3mins and gave her a thumbs up with my mouth full.

Bruce, " vitamins?"

Snatching the container off the counter I grabbed two and swallowed them.

Clint, " water?"

For fucks sake!

I storm to the fridge grab a bottle and down it. His raised his brow and I grabbed a second one and did the same.

I glare at them with my arms folded, daring them to do it again.

" Fine but come out more often before I forget what you look like," Natasha said with a smirk.

" Will do," and with that I turned back to elevators to hitch a ride to my lair.

The things I do to pacify the goons of this home. I know I lock myself in my lab but damn y'all. Chill TF out.

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