Chapter 4

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" Alright, Natasha and Clint see how many of these Hydra goons you can get at that vantage point up at the theater over there. Thor see if you can send their helicopters over there. Hulk just smash and Stark do whatever you do best."

" Aye aye Cap," I faked saluted and blasted towards the source of the goons.

It's Saturday and what do we spend the afternoon doing. Fighting these idiotic Hydra goons who just started attacking my tower and the places around us. Like come on can I just drink and design in peace.

Hold that thought. I know this goon isn't about to ruin my shwarma spot. Zap in the butt to you my good sir.

After half an hour I check in with Jarvis.


"Yes sir."

" How many are left?"

"Hulk has the leader in his iron grip. Natasha and Clint are fighting their last two. Thor has destroyed all choppers. Rogers is in a bit of trouble towards the north east side of the tower."

Great good oh Rogers, chewing more than he can fit. I flew to that side of the tower to see him surrounded by ten goons.

" Hey Rogers, nice party you're having. How come I wasn't invited?"

" Stark can you save your smart comments to yourself."

" Ok Captain sass ass."


Eye roll.

"Would you like some help?"

"Yes Stark, I could use the help."

Well in that case I fired a constant beam, taking out the rest of them. I will admit it did get a little to close to Cap on purpose.

" Nice going Tony, but next time watch it."

" Next time don't get surrounded. I'm out. Call shield for cleanup Captain sass ass."

Incoming sir on your left.

On my left what?

I fall from the sky seeing caps shield falling with me. I grabbed it and flung it 50 miles away.

"Fetch, bitch."

Anger laced his face and he was about to say something but I took off and closed group communications. Who did he think he was throwing the shield at me?


I get back to the tower and immediately put the lab into lock down, grabbed the jacks and started calibrating my suit. It took too long to figure out that something was coming my way. A few seconds too short.

Oh but the nerve!! The absolute nerve of him, who the fuck does he think he is. I know I wear the suit but god damn could've killed me.

BREAKING NEWS Captain sass ass kills Iron Man for sassing.

What a sight that would be and I know who America would back up.

Oh poor Captain America. Let him go. He's innocent. The almighty soldier would never. Americas sweetheart has been framed.

All the while I'm in a coffin six feet under next to the devil with some drunk stepping all over us. Real nice. 

Sighing heavily, I decided it was best for me to just get lost in work than worry about a grown ungrateful man child. Ive been giving this man everything ever since he came out of the capsicle. A home, updated gear, tech, weird food requests from the 40's, name it he got it. Maybe I do it because I like that sweet little smile he puts on his face when he receives something new.

Wait, wait, wait a damn minute. What the hell am I saying? I do it because Fury would kill me if I don't, yep that's why. Fuck his adorable smile. Grrr I meant his smirk, fuck that smirk.

" Jarvis have one of the good bots get me some good alcohol please."

" As you wish sir."

Yes alcohol will make everything more clear and all this nonsense will disappear and I can get some work done. I have to fix this suit and the 40 others that I have hidden in the lab.

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