Chapter 1

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Jungkook was five year old when his little brother was born, his mother and father, the Duke and Dutches of Busan presented him with  a cute chubby baby brother who Jungkook love so much even before he was born

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Jungkook was five year old when his little brother was born, his mother and father, the Duke and Dutches of Busan presented him with  a cute chubby baby brother who Jungkook love so much even before he was born. He always ask his mother for a baby brother to play, and finally here he was, the biggest gift he could ever have.

But not everything was happiness for the Jeon family. Something went wrong with the birth and his mother couldn't make it, she die a few minutes later after baby Jimin was born.

"Watch over him, protect him" His mother ask the little five year old boy before she die. And Jungkook took that promise very seriously, he will protect his baby brother, and so he did.

After their mother die, Jimin and Jungkook were left alone more often than not with the nannies and tutors and workers of castle. His father the Duke, always was traveling for business, he could spend months without coming back, and when he was back, it was pure torture for Jungkook.

Little 5 year old Jimin wanted to hug and play with his father, only to be rejected, that made Jungkook angry that his father broke Jimin's heart. He didn't care about him, he care more about Jimin's happiness. The little one always waiting for dad to be back because he missed him, only to be pushed away by him. And when Jungkook complained about it, his father beat him up for his insubordinate. That was the start of his hell, from that moment on, his father became abusing. Even when it wasn't Jungkook's fault, like if little Jimin broke something valuable, Jungkook blamed himself for everything, so Jimin could never get beat up by his father.

Jimin wasn't a bad boy, he was just happy and curious little boy, one particular day, Jimin was playing with a box of matches he found on the kitchen. As expected, the innocents of the little boy, didn't know what matches could do, and accidentally set on fire a big part of the library. Jungkook run to save him from the fire, luckily only a bookshelf got burn. But that was enough for his father to look for the guilty.

"Jimin, go to your room" Jungkook order.

"No, come with me. Daddy is going to beat you" said the scare boy.

"Go!" Jungkook yell once he hear his father getting close.

Jungkook push Jimin out of the library before his father came in. Jimin hide behind a curtain outside the library. He didn't want to leave his brother alone. Jimin saw his father walking in, with the horse whip. He saw Jungkook's face with horror when he saw his father lifting the whip and then the door closed behind his father. All he could hear was the crying and screaming of his older brother, and the whipping sound hitting him over and over. Jimin was crying and scare to move. He was only five year old, what could he possible do to help his bother who was older and stronger than he was.

After what it seem like long minutes, the door finally open, and little Jimin didn't move from his hidings place until his father was long gone, once he knew his father wasn't coming back, he walk in to the library to find his dear brother laying on the floor unconscious and soaked in blood. The people working for the Duke knew better than intervene on the Duke's business, even if that was almost killing his own son. But once the Duke was gone, one of the workers walk in to help his little Master Jungkook, Jimin follow the man carrying his unconscious big brother.

Unfortunately that wasn't the first nor the last time that Jungkook suffered from his father abused. Sometimes for no reason at all. And most of the time was for defending Jimin, who his father always hated the little one for the big resemblance of his mother and because he says it was his fault his wife die. He said more than once that he wish Jimin die instead of his wife. And for that reason Jungkook end up putting himself between his little brother and the horse whip his father use.

That was around the time that Jimin and Jungkook began to share the same room. Jimin was to scare to sleep alone. So many time Jungkook came back to their room after his father beat him up at night, even some times get in in the room only to drag the sleeping Jungkook by the hair out of the room just because he felt like beating him. All this nightmare lasted eight years until his father die in one of his business trip. Jungkook couldn't say that he was devastated by the news, but now there was only them, the two brothers to care for one another. Thankfully all the money and wealth went over to them, it was enough for Jimin and Jungkook to live five lifetimes of comfortable luxury.

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