This or That?

479 13 748

 Hey to my family members,

Your little Aditi is here 😊

So today our 1st game is This or That 


Me very, let's start our game.............


1) Call first thing in the morning or call in the middle of the night?

2) Board games or video games?

3) Photos or videos?

4) Social media message or text message?

5) Take a friend on your family vacation or join a friend on their family vacation?

6) Group hangout or one-on-one hangout?

7) French fries or onion rings?

8) Share food or don't share food?

9) Give a ride or hitch a ride?

10) Paypal or Venmo?

11) wattpad or Youtube?

12) Shopping online or shopping in-store?

13) Tattoos or piercings?

14) Store-bought or homemade?

15) Plans or surprises?

16) Pizza or Burger?

17) Books or movies?

18) Roller coasters or water slides?

19) Souvenirs or postcards?

20) WhatsApp or Messenger?

21) Android or iPhone?

22) Brand name or generic?

23) Bargain or top-shelf?

24) Loud or quiet?

25) Protagonist or sidekick?

26) Girl friends or guy friends?

27) Animals or people?

28) Weekends or holidays?

29) Day or night?

30) Watch sports or play sports?

31) Driving fast or driving slow?

32) Start assignments immediately or wait until the last minute?

33) social science or Math?

34) Gym or Art?

35) Science or History?

36) Group work or solo work?

37) Art projects or science projects?

38) Forget your pencil or forget a notebook?

39) Teacher reads your text message aloud or teacher tells the whole class your grade?

40) Drive to school or take the bus?

41) Messy locker or tidy locker?

42) Pen or pencil?

43) Multiple choice or essay?

44) Physical planners or digital planners?

45) Save as you go, or save at the end?

46) USB backup or Cloud storage?

47) Home school or classroom learning?

48) Field trips or field days?

49) Win a race or win a debate?

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