👁️ Yandere!Bob x NB!Reader 👁️

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Credit to : fan_of_every_thing_
mod made by the legend Phlox ❤︎
type of oneshot - y̸a̸n̸d̸e̶r̶e̶
listen to the song~

and Enjøy

TW : Mentions of dead body's, kinapping and blood



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Y/ns pov

i woke up from a nightmare i looked around the room in fear that someone or something was watching me. I decided to go get some water I got up and walked to the kitchen grabbing a cup from the cupboard putting the tap on letting the water run so it was cold i placed the cup under tge cold tap filling it with cold water. I turned the tap off and took a sip of the cold water lettingy stomach grow used to the cold. Once I was done with the drink I set the cup down and grabbed a snack.
"what time is it...?"
you set your snack down and walked back upstairs and walked to your room grabbing your phone you walked back downstairs and went to the kitchen I checked the time it was 2am hm i think i should go to bed...

Bøbś pøv

I looked at the dead body of her best friend ron i chuckled to myself thinking how pathetic these two are..
i killed little man aswell i just stepped on him and he was dead.
Now my queens all mine now to go get her


Y/N's pov

I was sitting on my sofa while watching ((tv / movie of choice)) i heard a knock on my door I got up feeling scared until i heard a really loud crash I quickly hid under my desk

bøb'ś pov

oh y/nnn i couldnt talk so i though of it
i looked around a bit and saw their hand i walked over to them they didnt see me so i covered their mouth blocking their only way of breathing they passed out..

Y/n's pov

I woke up..
i was tied to a chair i saw a half black
and half white blob thing i looked at it and noticed it was bob?
i tried speaking but i couldnt i noticed my mouth was taped..

"Turns out hes not that good.."


uh well this was awkward to write but still really fun!!

hope you liked it :)

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