Short!Ron X Gn!Tall!Reader 🌼

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another chapter :D
type of oneshot : fluff ❤︎
Request By : Microwaved_Egg

and as always!


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As you walked the streets of Florida you began thinking
' why did i do this? '
' they dont like you!! '
you shook your head as you walked into the park seeing your friends you walked over to them
" hey guys!! " you said happily as you wave
they all smiled waving back
" Oh! Hey Y/N " one short male replied you chuckled patting his head
" sup shorty! " you smirked
" heyy!! Im not that short!! " he frowns
" yes you are ron!! " you friend replied as they also chuckle
" Ughh- stop!! " he looked away
" dont be mad ronn-!! " you pout
" fine but! Lets find a seat my legs hurt- "
you chuckle " alrighty! "
you all began making you way to a small table as you all sat down ron sat beside you your best friend sat next to you and the others just sat in a random order

-- timeskip --

" damn it!! Oh shoot you guys i got to go sorry!! " your friend frowns as they got up joined by a few others
" same.. well see ya soon!! "
the others left leaving you, ron and you best friend alone your bestie smirked slightly getting up as she fake frowned
" awww- i have to go home aswell!! Sorry you two byee!! " she giggled as she ran off

you sighed getting up
" hey uh you wanna come over? " you ask
" hm.. sure! " ron smiled as he stood up
you both walked off to your house

-- 2 hours later --

" do you mind if i stay the night...?? "
" of course not! you can stay anytime you want " you say as you get up streaching
he smiles as he done the same you walked off to get yourself some blankets and a few pillows
" ill take couch!! "
" uh- no i will-! " ron stuttered a little a soft blush covering his face
you notice the blush
" oOoo~ you like me~! " you mocked making him blush more as he hid his face
you set the blankets and pillows down you picked him up he let out a small scream and you giggle walking upstairs setting him on the bed as you got in with him
" h..huh?! "
" what? Were sleeping on a bed? " you smirked as he looks away you pulled him into a hug which soon turned into cuddles
You mumble

" shorty! I love you...o..okay? " ❤︎



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i hope you enjoyed it!!
im glad i gained motivation so uh!

Upcoming chapters ::
lost silver x reader
pico x reader
CJ x reader
??? X reader (( mystery!! ))

have a great day
drink water
and goodbye!!

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