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-- 赤い糸 -- Huh what wrong..?
Y/N ' S POV ---
I ran through the halls a teacher chasing me as i had left my class the teacher had mentioned some triggering things that made me react i ran to the left side the teacher stopping to catch their breath they yell out " Y/N GET BACK HERE OR ITS A DETENTION! " you ignored the teacher and hid in an empty, abandoned classroom , outside the room had a wooden sign , the sign said ' DONT ENTER..! ' , the room had one single light that was burst the glass was scattered on the floor a single chair remained in the corner Of the room i hid behind the chair as the teacher ran by the room i continued to look about the room it had dirty , dusty and grimy walls with boarded up windows that had graffiti all over them the windows themselves were smashed in a football sat dead in the center of the room turns out that the windows were obviously smashed by the football as glass was around the football .
You get up from behind the chair and tilted the chair it was a worn out japanese chair which had no gaps only wood at the back it had two single legs you sighed sitting down as your mind play flashedback of what had just happened you frowned feeling your eyes warm up you then felt some warm and salty tears run down your face you let out small sobs soon becoming a mess your hair was scruffed up and your eyes were red and puffy you let out loud sobs as the bell rang through your ears . You began to let out quieter sobs as chatter filled the halls It all gave you a headache as you lean back into the chair .
The male walked through the halls letting out a deep sigh he stops by his locker putting away his maths books and grasping his science ones he packs them and slung his bag over his shoulder everyone was going to the cantine as it was lunch time i walked by the old abandoned room . I heard soft sniffle and small sobs coming from the room as i knock opening the door i noticed a figure sitting on a worn out chair they had their hand holding their head and legs hunched up into a ball nonsense shut the door behind him as he carefully approched the upset human .
Y/N ' S POV ---
You heard small quiet footsteps approch you , you looked up to see a male with brown fluffy round hair he worn a blue t-shirt and brown jeans / pants he had brown shoes . To be quiet frank i couldnt really make out much but he looked like someone i didnt know .. or did i? the male sighs before speaking " huh.. hey are you okay..? " the male soundes so familier but you could pin your fingure on who it was . He enguffled you in a tight , warm hug you wrapped you arms around the male and held back tears " hey hey... Y/N its okay! " he spoke in a soft tone he knew your name?! you spoke out " ...Wh..o...are.. you...again..?? " your voice was croaky and shaky he chuckles " its me... nonsense! " nonsense looks down at your smaller figure as you piece it together in your mind you realised it was you signifigant other of 2 months! you lightly smiled hugging the malr tightly and giggled he mutters " mood swing much- " he chuckled again as he picked you up " hm... can we just stay here- " you mutter he shook his head " no we need to find somewhere else at the least!! " and with that nonsense carried you out of the room and you both went on the search for a diffrent room to hide in . You mutter a sweet " i love you..! " as he smiled he replied
" I love you to! "
- 🎭 -
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