An unexpected visitor Part 1

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A knock on the door woke Joel from his slumber. The room was dark, the only sound being Lizzie's soft breathing and mobs groaning. He checked the clock, bright red light half-blinding him. 4:35 it read. Who was at the door in the middle of the night, or this early in the morning. Another knock. Carefully, he climbed out of bed, cautious to not wake his peaceful wife.

He walked down the endless hallways and flights of stairs to the door being knocked on. He was tired and wasn't in the mood to be here yet he opened the door slightly, not to see anything, just so the figure could hear. "Who's there" his voice rough from fatigue. The snap of a bow and clatter of bones could be heard. "Joel." his voice was quiet, almost a whisper but it was familiar. It sounded like...Scott. He yanked the door open to the surprise of Scott. He stood there, defending them from the undead and dangerous, tired and looking Joel straight in the eyes. Stood, not in his denim and bright colours, but dark trousers and t-shirt. Scott, who always looked healthy and happy, stood looking like he had watched his closest die. Scott, who had been pronounced missing two years ago, stood gazing at Joel with dull eyes and an expression that had never found home on Scott, never looked right on him.

"Scott." he whispered, the cyanette laughed, hollow and small "Hi Joel.", "Are you okay? Where have you been? What happened? Were you kidnapped? How-" , "Jesus one question at a time." , "Sorry. Come in." he moved to let Scott into the base. The cyan-haired male looked in wonder at the build. "You improved in two years." he said, attempting to make small talk, "Thanks. Okay, you go get a shower, I'll try and find you some fresh clothes." , "Oh no I-", "Scott." he gave in, it couldn't hurt. He hadn't had a proper shower, or meal, or interaction since his disappearance. He couldn't resist.

Joel rummaged through his draws and cupboards till he found an outfit for their guest. He could hear the shower and humming from Scott, content and happy. He looked thin, Joel now recalled. He couldn't cook though. Scott could, but it wouldn't be right to make the poor man prepare his own meal. As if the universe heard him, the sound of the bed creaking and an indignant noise from Lizzie told him his wife had been woken up. 

"Joel? Why is the shower on." , "Someone's in there. Can you do me a favour and make some food for the guest, they looked really under weight." ,"Sure." she sounded sceptical, but Lizzie always put others first. That was one of the things he loved about her. 

As she descended the stairs, the shower turned off, a cyan mop of hair with a towel covering him walked to where Joel was leaning on the doorframe. "Clothes are in here lad, Lizzie's making food, she just doesn't know who for." a small hum from Scott. Joel kept his back to the room as the guest changed into a green sweater and sapphire joggers. "I'm going to talk to Lizzie, you rest, you look like a zombie." , "Thanks." a retort that held none of the sass it used to. It broke Joel to hear and see his friend like that,

"So? Who is it?", "I can't say yet. Soon. But not now." , "That isn't an answer Joel, but ok." she turned back to the steaming mushroom stew that was almost done. 

He thought about the sleeping man upstairs. The same one that left their lives without a warning. That day, 2 years prior, Scott had disappeared. Vanished from his shared home with Jimmy. The look on the blondes face haunted him. It was pale, tear tracks staining his cheeks. Lizzie was strong with Jimmy, consoling him, cooking, cleaning, doing all the jobs his husband should have. At home though, she wept too. Wept from the loss of a friend, screamed at the look on her brothers face. Rivendell was without a king, the Cod empire hardly coping, the Ocean empire sending love to the family, Mezalea welcoming the two with open arms, house blossom no longer crafted plushies, Pixandria didn't do much, Cryastall cliffs became very closed off, The undergrove kept Rivendell clean, Mythland left the Cod empire alone, as did the Grimlands, Pearl's smallholding wasn't heard from, apart from meetings they all had to attend and The lost empire fell silent. Word spread to Noxite and Noxcrew, all sending their love, same with the 3rd life crew who weren't on the server. 

Footsteps on the stairs.


DID IT. Honestly I'm loving writing this. I promised B1rd I would and I have. This is their work and I have permission to re-write it. For proof check the comments on the last chapter of the original.

Tj xx 

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