Back to being King Part 7

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He dropped in and out of consciousness. The pain in his shoulder a numb warmth. His body felt like fire, cuts and bruises littering the pale skin. Too pale to be healthy. Voices were talking around him, seemingly unaware he was slowly coming up to the surface. The lights. They were blinding and bright. He fought against them. Finally, he saw wood. Oak and spruce. Around him blue sheets. A chill was in the room. He recognised it as his house in Rivendell. The voices ceased. "Scott?" , "Yeah." he sounded tired, he felt it. "Feeling better?" Lizzie. Of course she was here. There was someone else. Joel maybe? No wrong hair colour and build. "Kinda. Feels less like torture." , "Jimmy's worried." Katherine. His first proper alliance. "Where is he?" , "With Joel. He couldn't look at you with how badly you were hurt." Lizzie's voice wavered. "How long have I been out?" , "Few days. Nothing too bad." he hummed. They left him to rest shortly after, the grips of sleep holding him like a hug once more.

"Lord Smajor." He perked up. The next day he had dressed in his elven attire and gone for breakfast. Calen had been listing the changes that had occurred. Apparently he had zoned out. "Sorry Calen." , "No problem. There is a meeting today. You have been invited." , "Tell them I'll be there. Time and empire?" , "Of course. Noon and The ocean queen's domain." , "Thank you. You're dismissed." after a curt nod, his advisor was gone. He sighed and journeyed to his desk, clearing the mess and beginning to make his schedule. He could never get used the bore of ruling an empire, but he could never not enjoy it.

The Prisma palace was buzzing with conversation as Scott landed, gold, white and cyan wings folding neatly into his back. It felt nice to fly again. It was a sense of freedom. "Ok everyone take your seats, the meeting is now in session." the conversations quietened and attention turned to the pink-haired queen. "So, with the corruption gone we have no big matters to focus resources on or discuss, for that reason, I'm holding a ball to celebrate that and the man who made it happen. Scott." she smiled. Everyone hummed in agreement. "Obviously you don't have to come. Is there anyone who isn't going to be there?" , "Sorry Lizzie I have too much work I haven't done in two years I'm afraid I have to decline." Scott said, business like, just as he used to seem like. It was hard to see the man had been a fugitive for two years. "It's your party though?" Shubble piped up, "Sorry. Rivendell needs my attention." with that he left. 

"I'll talk to him." Jimmy too left the meeting.

His feet landed on the cobbled paths of Rivendell. Scott had landed minutes before, seemingly vanishing. "Codfather." , "Arod, please, just Jimmy is fine." , "As you wish. Lord Smajor is in his house, most likely at his desk." , "Thank you." Jimmy entered the main building, gaze focused on the cyan mop of hair bent over some papers, the scratch of quill on paper indicating his husband was working. "Calen? Arod?" , "Jimmy." Scott looked up, face neutral, "Jimmy! What can I help you with." , "I wanted to talk." , "Is it about the ball?" , "Maybe...." , "I said no. There's too much to do." Jimmy just stood looking at Scott. He had piles of papers he was sorting through. It made sense, he was always a workaholic. "Pleeeeaaase." he begged. Scott sighed, standing from his seat and walking round to envelop Jimmy in a hug, his arms around his waist, head on the Codfathers shoulders. "I'll see. No promises." with that he resumed work. Jimmy left, a warmth buzzing in his heart, burning where Scott had held him, had leant on him.

"Lord Smajor." , "Arod. How can I help you?" the elf showed his King the invitation. If you didn't accept this one you wouldn't be on the list. "I'll go. Tell them to not expect me there long or fully involved." Arod nodded before walking to his home to write a reply. The ball was in a week. 

He worked tirelessly, juggling usual work involving taxes and building with choosing his outfit, having it fitted and making final adjustments. Every build was cleaned and he finally had the time and materials to switch the yellow concreate with gold. He added a bird house and started terraforming land behind the town, where he planned to build his grand palace. By the day of the ball, most work had been finished, save a few letters and legal documents yet they weren't due for another couple of days max. He decided to give himself some breathing space. 

The venue wasn't in any specific kingdom, helping the bring the communal feel to the place. Lights hung with copper and colours of every kingdom emitted yellow light. Traditional food and drink were on offer. The only thing that was special to one place was the calm music that warmed his heart. Old elven and customary Rivendell tunes played as the royals and their advisors danced and talked. 

"Scott!" Lizzie shouted, catching all attendees attention. "Hi" he replied. "You decided to show then?" , "Mhm." , "You should try some of the cuisine on offer, it's really good." she left then. He decided to take her advice. A large banquet styled table housed the food, organised by empire with small labels. 

Katherine had brought fruit punch made from homegrown apples, lemons and something else he couldn't distinguish to compliment the blueberry muffins. They tasted citric and sweet. Before he left, house blossom had always made delicious baked goods. That hadn't changed.

Next he tried out Pearls corn-on-the-cob. It was really nice. Slightly cooked and warm.

Gems crystal cake was next. Made from end-fruit, the sugar had cancelled out the strange teleporting ability that was usually a side affect to eating the grape-tasting berry. It tasted delicious and looked aesthetically pleasing too.

Lizzie's fish and seaweed sandwiches weren't to his taste but were edible. They were a bit salty and dry. He had also never really enjoyed fish that much and as an elf not fish hybrid, seaweed had a bland and blatantly bad taste. She did however bring her coral punch that consisted of something sweet that he couldn't discern that had always been a favourite of his.

Fwhip, Joey, Joel, sausage and Pix didn't bring anything, more focused on decorations.

Shubble brought a delicious mushroom stew that warmed him as the temperature dropped slightly. Not enough to be cold, yet not as warm and definitely noticeable.

He himself had contributed a honey and glowberry cake that had been made since the early days of Elven existence. To accompany that, a blue drink that had a smoothie texture. That was made of cherry and a light punch of classic wine drunk on special occasions.

Then there was Jimmy's. The codfather had brought an apple pie that tasted just as good as it did the first time he ate it many years ago, one of their first dates. As a drink, his empire had concocted a Swamp delicacy that included pears and sugar, making a sweet taste that lingered, making him crave more. 

Everything seemed to reflect him. What he liked from the kingdoms. How he organised at their annual get togethers and the music he had composed after his coronation as well as that which had been played; listened to for centuries. 

He felt at peace again. 

He felt like he was home again.

These people, these places.

They were home.


A couple of chapters left. Hope you are enjoying where this has gone!!

 Tj xx

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