🍂 chapter- 2 🍂

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I spent 10,000 hours and 10,000 more~♪♪Oh if that's would it take to learn the sweetheart of yours

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I spent 10,000 hours and 10,000 more~♪♪
Oh if that's would it take to learn the sweetheart of yours.......


A sigh of frustration and tiredness escaped through mrs kim's mouth while staring at the closed door of the mansion. She was waiting for taehyung who didn't returned back home from last three days.

Jungkook enters the living room with a slow pace. He sat beside mrs kim on the couch. Mrs kim seem to notice his presence.

"What should i do with this boy? You know kookie it's fourth time in this month he didn't came home." She huffed shaking her head.

"Then call him." Jungkook suggests but got startled when she turns her face suddenly at him with wide eyes.

"Oh my god!! How can i forget about my expensive useless phone. Thank you so much kookie." She stated dramatically.

She grabbed her phone from the table and unlocked it. She goes through the contacts and tapped on taehyung's number and waited for the call to get connect but her face falls when it was switched off.

"That brat his phone is switched off, this time i will not let him go easily." She said slamming the phone on the table.

Jungkook pouts as tears swells in his eyes. It's been two days taehyung didn't returned home. He haven't feel this gloomy in heart if he were in his house but now when he is here in his hyungie's house he is feeling all alone.

"When will he come it's his birthday tomorrow." Jungkook mumbled lowly but mrs kim heard it. The most important reason to get angry on taehyung.

"Let's see when will he come till then let's make a cake for him, ok?" She asks and he nods smiling slightly.

Both starts to make taehyung's favourite food and cake. After that they went to decorate taehyung's room too. They both smiled widely and hugs eachother satisfied with their work.

The night was getting darker and colder but there was no sign of taehyung. Mrs kim was massaging her temples while jungkook was sitting with arms crossed over his chest with lips forming an angry pout.

"This is too much now, when will he come back. I want to see him, he is being a baddie now." Jungkook said pouting.

Mrs kim sighs and starts to pat his head softly calming him down. She glanced at the the clock which shows 11:55 pm. She sighs heavily.

"Kookie baby go and bring the cake to his room let's go in there." She said and he nods while running away to the kitchen.

Meanwhile a black haired boy peeked inside his home through the window of living room. He jumps in when he found the living room empty.

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