🍂 chapter-43🍂

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Cause nothing can ever~Ever replace you

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Cause nothing can ever~
Ever replace you.....
Nothing can make me feel like you do~


Nothing was left in jungkook's mind. He don't know what to think anymore. His heart, his mind, everything turned blank. He can't even feel himself. He got numb completely.

His eyes were glossy, tears threatening to fall down, a broken heart was all left with jungkook as he stared at himself through the mirror of the washroom.

"So t-this is i-it? H-he finally is s-someone's else n-now, i a-am nothing to h-him." A bitter chuckle escaped from his mouth but soon broken heartbreaking sobs echoed in the empty washroom.

"I-if it was s-so, then why t-the hell d-did he behaved l-like he s-still loves me?..... Why t-the hell he b-behaved if he n-never wants me t-to leave h-him?.....Was it a-all f-fake?.....W-was he doing i-it to take r-revenge on m-me?..... Was i-it for b-break me just l-like you w-were those p-past years?....." He asked himself in shaky voice with body trembling badly.

"I-if it was a r-revenge then c-congratulations hyungie you w-won….., i am b-broken….., *sob* c-completely broken….. broken w-without you….." He wailed even more loudly after that.


When jungkook came out from the washroom his already broken heart got more shattered seeing taehyung carrying Lia in his arms in bridal style.

He chuckled humorlessly, eyes shedding fat tears of heartbreak. His heart was burning inside, he wanted to scream at taehyung but he couldn't. His red eyes then met with his favourite hazel brown eyes which were widened and showed shock, fear and worry in them.

Even after seeing him taehyung didn't stop, he left after glancing at jungkook for the last time. Jungkook kept smiling through his teary eyes with an aching heart.

He dragged his feet away to the exit, not even bothering to wipe his tears away. When he was almost near the exit a hand on his wrist stopped him. 

He would have felt something if it was taehyung but it was not taehyung.

"Kookie, where are you going?" Eunwoo asked while going in front of jungkook but gasped loudly looking at his face.

"Oh my god kookie why are you crying? Tell me did somebody hurt you? Tell me their name i will fucking beat the shit out of them?" Eunwoo asked angrily, clenching his fists.

Jungkook gave him a fake teary smile as he removed eunwoo's hand from his wrist.

"No one hurted me woonie, i am ok." Jungkook replies.

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