2. "My siblings?!"

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Wednesday 12th of September 2319 14:34 pm

*3rd person*

The crying boy ran out and fell to the ground crawling to the side of the door. He covered his wet crying face with his cold, shaky hands.. His breath hitching and getting faster, panicking and overthinking the possibilities of how this could end up being...

~~~~ Denki's pov ~~~~

'What do I do?'

'Do I go back home?'

'Will I be an orphan?'

'What will happen to me?'

'Most importantly what will happen with my siblings?!'

'Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, Oh God..'


'If mom and dad are at the hospital..'

'And then the kids are still at school..'


"THERE'S NO ONE TO PICK THEM UP!" I raised my voice hurting my throat that was sore from crying, I took my hands off of my face and revealed my red, puffy, filled with despair eyes and swollen nose.

*3rd person*

The oldest Kaminari sibling ran off campus and darted down the road tripping on his feet every now and then. From there you could see the kid heading towards a quite big, colorful, bit creepy building, it had a big sign in front of it which said:


The golden-eyed male entered a small and thight corridor with drawings on the walls, next thing he saw in front of him was a cute locker room filled with kids' shoes and fall time jackets. He took a second to figure out which one was his little sisters, once he did he took her stuff and headed along to the door that said 'Homeroom 02'.

He slowly opened the door to see his little sister balling her eyes out sitting on a bean bag. As he wanted to enter an unknown to him face blocked his way.

~~~~ Denki's pov ~~~~

I look up to see a tall woman blocking my way, she looked like she was in her early 40s, though it was quite surprising to see new people, since younger people prefer to work here, hardly ever anyone quits.

"Who might you be young man?" She asked in more of an arrogant way, staring at me oddly.

"Oh! I'm Denki, I came to pick up my sister." I replied trying not to be as rude as that asshole was to me.

"Which is?" she questioned with a lifted eyebrow, looking back at Nejire, she obviously just wanted to play with me, there were no more kids other than Neji.

"Nejire Kaminari. And may I ask who are you?" I replied unamused and annoyed.

"Refer to me as Mrs. Mae, how old are you anyway kid? " she answered my question with a b1tchy tone ohh I already despise her..

"Kay' Mrs. Mae... Im 16 by the way- why do you even have to know that?" It was getting hotter and hotter. Just like Todorkis' mums tea kettle.

"Well, kid. I've neva' seen ya round' here and tha policity say I can't give away a kid to someone I can't fully identify. Also I ain't got no note or e-mail bout' ya from your parents. So toodles!" That beetch really gonna tell me that I don't look like my sister? What does she want me to do? Call my parents? That by the way are probably already DEAD?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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