TFP male predacon reader x arcee fluff

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Requested by LogandavidSpurgeon
Hope you enjoy.
Reader p.o.v
You knew you were spending your last days here. Locked and in the dark. Far away from any life as the chains around body kept you from breaking free. You remember how you had fought against it. Wings flapping furiously around as you spread your area on fire. It was a beautiful design. To see how they regretted their decision. But now. You were tired. Your strong, big body low on energon as your last dosis of strength had disappeared when healing your wounds.

You were locked away in a cave because of one simple reason. These so called decepticons didn't share the same ideas as you. Which made it to difficult for you to follow them. You've heard about the different side called autobots. But you've never gotten the change to actually see or speak to one. Then again you were only online for some time now. Not long enough for you to understand it all though.

You howl softly as you changed your currently position on the floor. A unpleasant feeling of never actually meeting a femme hurting your spark. So it was impossible for you to ever meet one. But a loud rumble in the cave made you look up. Your yellow eyes scanning the cave's hall. Pf, nothing. Why would it be? The audio receptors probably rusting. But then a beep of some machinery took yet again your attention. As by the entrance of the cave formed a shadow. The sun was blocking the whole view. But it definitely was a Cybertronian. Not a predacon. But that didn't matter. You whirl louder. Need for contact with someone. You didn't care who it was going to be. The person steps closer. "Predaking?" The voice questions.

No, you weren't predaking. Sure you looked like the king but no you weren't him. Your own plating was shaped completely different and you weren't as big as him. And something that surprises you is that the voice sounds like a femme. Really? A femme here? You just be dreaming. You got up as she walks closer. Now you had a clear view of her frame. She was tiny. Absolutely tiny but she looked super clean and kind. Her paintjob was a beautiful blue. And by the looks of it. She wasn't scared of you. Almost as if she knew you weren't aggressive. You gasp as she offers a smile. "You look like you need some help" her strong voice said.

Thank the allspark for her kindness. "I do" you reveal your voice as you would reveal everything for a warrior goddess like herself. She moves closer as you make your back straight. Looking broader this way. Were you trying to impress her already? Such a shame. You were so low in energon that you almost fell back down. The top her arm transformers as she begins to cut the chains. So smooth and fast. Incredible to see. "You're low on energy. Don't act like you aren't" she said. As you bow a bit down to her level. Seeing the little details on her body. And her face. Primus her eyes were beautiful. You whirl which came out as a hiss when one of her hands move over a wound.

"You're wounded" she said to her surprise as she placed her hand into your plating near the wound. Observing it. "Yes, but it's not as bad as it once was" you try and sound positive. "How long have you already been here? So far away from anyone" she mumbles as she looks up to meet your soft gaze. "A long time. I lost my count after weeks" you said. And if you weren't a predacon then you wouldn't have survived it till now. But to be fair your frame couldn't take much more then do this all over again. "Don't worry. We'll get you out of here. Do you have a name?" She asks cutting the last chain free. You move your now finally free wings. "It's Y/n. Tell me goddess. What is yours?" You smiled back as with some support you were wandering away. A chuckle left her. "Your name means fighter in the sky right?" As you could only nod to that.

Impressed she knew what your name meant. "Mine's acree" acree said as she pushes herself against you to help you walk better. "That's a beautiful name" you try. As you just couldn't wait to fall into recharge in a save place.

Cute right?
Word count 758

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