tf bayverse Decepticons x female human reader

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A smart human gets the decepticons out their cages since they were locked away. Yet you get hurt in the end. Breaking multiple bones as you think they would leave you there. Since you were human. Haha nope.
Reader p.o.v

You've known from the start that this was a dangerous mission. I mean you were going to break inside the most guarded building ever designed by humans. Yet the shiver that was moving over your back told you that you weren't scared. But rather excited. You've broken in at even some quite advanced prisons before. But you've never dit it for someone. Well it was a something. Lord Megatron, the one you'd believed would pure out earth was trapped there. His whole squad was. Locked away to rot and fall apart. You weren't going to let that happen. Which a whole bag on your back, full of tools that you were going to need for it to be a success. You were completely covered in dark clothing. Your shoes, your pants with some holes here and there on the knee part, all the way to the shirt you wore. One sleeve was short and the other came all the way to your wrist. While you wore a black mask. It covers the lower part of your face. Enough for nobody to recognize you from the camera security video's. Since it was loaded to the brim with security cameras.

With a crowbar in your hands you walked to the backside of the prison. Two guards were guarding the exit of the building. Fools, you thought as you grinned. With a smoke bom that knocks most people unconscious in seconds thrown towards the two guards. "Huh what the hell is that?" The male guard questioned as he bowed down towards it. As you connected a air tube that would give your fresh air without the gas you could walk though the cloud of smoke. As you looked down the two guards were sleeping.

You cracked the lock by the door as you used a pass as well from one guard to get inside. The heavy door closes behind you. As you wandered through the halls. Taking out security cameras as you were finding the Decepticons. Your heart was beating a little faster at the thought. You knew them, but they didn't know you. It didn't matter. You were going to free them no matter the costs. And as you came into a more larger space you got a red dot pointed on your chest. Right where your heart was. You looked up as you frowned. A female guard with long brown hair held her gun up and ready to shoot you. "Hands in the air where I can see them!" She yells as more guards entered and pointed their gun out as well. All focused on you. You slowly raised your hands.

As something fell out your pocket. It was a small teleportation device. You bowed your head a bit down as you couldn't stop grinning under your mask. "Fools" you muttered as a bubble transformers around you. As the teleportation device scanned each human in the room. Teleporting them far away. Without the protective shell you were save from teleporting as well. The bubble shrinks down as it moves back against your left ankle. Wrapping itself back around it. Bowing down to out the teleportation device back in your pocket.

It didn't take long to enter the real prison part. Before you were going to break the last door down to your master. You ruffled your hair back as you checked yourself. You were presentable, for now. As you took down the door with your own hand made laser. And as you walked through the entrance you came eye in eye, well actually eye in optic, but you get the point. With the Decepticons. They were behind thick bars meanwhile glass that made of the sharpest material was in front of it you. It would cut your hand in two if you'd touched it. Yet there he was. Megatron. You bowed as you sank on knee down while your right hand was on your left chest. A symbol of showing you were with him and not against him. You could not hear any noises from the other side. So it would only make sense they couldn't hear you as well. As you got up. You noticed their weapons had been disarmed from them. And the thick walls had to be to thick to ram through.

There was a control panel. You walked towards it as you began to hack it. Wasn't that hard. Wasn't easy either but it wouldn't take long. Aa then a footstep sound snapped you from your thoughts. As a ray gun was pointed at you. It was a tranquilizer ray that would shoot a dart. No doubt. You walked towards the person holding the gun as your eyes could only give away of how annoyed you were with this. Not a single hint of fear however. You ran to the side as you stole the gun from heir hands. You felt something small hit your stomach. Crap. Hopefully it wouldn't work that fast. But besides you could handle one. You snapped the gun over your knee in two. As the guard gasps and began to back away. You reached forward as you grabbed the person by their shirt. Dragging them towards the first layer of glass. "This would most definitely do" you mumbled as you threw the struggling person through the glass.

I'm not going to describe what happened but I think you can guess. Loud sounds of glass falling could be heard as the glass curtain fell. They were dead. Chopped like sushi. Your calm eyes eyes met the ones of soundwave and laserbird. Blackout had his own keeping his eye on you as well. With one last click on the control panel the giant heavy bars began to move up. But then of course an alarm went off as well. A red light popped up front the ceiling. As the ground shook. What was it now? Your attention got stolen when a fracture got created from the ground to the walls. The loud siren sounds made you go half deaf as the red light reflected on the cybertronians who got free from their cage.

Then again, the room was falling apart. The ceiling got broken apart as a large chuck fell down. Was this a last line of defence? Letting the whole building collapse? Great.

You did not break eye contact with the lord. Until you got crushed underneath the bricks.


Megatron p.o.v (bet you didn't saw that coming)

A human that showed no signs of coming from this place enters the room with force. It was a female over twenty years old. As she was fully clothed in the colour black. As she walked up close the glass gate she bows. Why would a puny human bow for me? I decided to make no interests. She then checked the surroundings as she walked to the panel that was keeping me here. Apparently this human was trying to free us. But she would succeed. If we couldn't get out ourselves then a simple human couldn't as well. But it did look like she wasn't sacred of any of us. Until then which I had already seen coming the human was surrounded.

To my own surprise this human began to fight the other ones. Clearly getting shot in the process. As it seems the human didn't care. The guards got exterminated by this human her hands. She cleared the whole group of guards as she walked back to the control panel. The human was messing with the controls as it appears she was freeing me. But then an alarm rang. The building shook. As my understandings seem to get bothered by it. This was a last plan, if under attack or it someone would try to break us free then the building would be destroyed.

Once the path was cleared the decepticons got out. After me. The human was keeping their ground as the ceiling broke down as squashed the human. I frowned as Soundwave was making a path free. "Barricade, blackout" I command as I turn my head slightly to give them a signal. With not much time left. The brick wall got removed from the human. Right there and then I decided to take her with me. Perhaps as a pet. All though humans are pathetic. This one showed bravely, and even seem to serve me without flying for their life all though she had a chance.


Back to reader p.o.v

You woke up. Wait, you woke up? You could see a light. Was this the afterlife?. Your chest hurt. No this wasn't the afterlife. You were alive. And as you came back to reality your whole body was hurting. As your eyes focused up front. You met the moon shining through some glass ceiling. The smell around here was dusty. It smelled old. And a hint of metal. You first focused on your body. As you moved your neck upwards to look at the state you were in. Your mask was removed, your shirt and with a shift of your best leg you could tell your pants as well. But there was a blanket covering your lower half. Around your whole chest and middle was a giant and strong bandage. Each breath you took was painful. You clearly broken some ribs. And other bones like a arm a knee.

I absolutely loved to make this, maybe you can tell by how much I wrote. Or put some details in it. Part 2?
Word count 1623

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