Chapter 03

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They wrapped things up soon after that, everyone return to their rooms, but Hwan still has some business to take care of with his agency, so he doesn't have time to relax. He bid everyone goodbye politely before meeting with his manager for an online meeting with his agency.

They were in the middle of their discussion when Hwan's phone began to buzz with a text from Minho.

"Hey, I didn't have a chance to talk to you today."

Hwan let out a sigh. His manager and the person speaking on the other side of the laptop screen were both aware of his actions. His manager swiftly diverts their boss's attention by apologizing and stating that Hwan is exhausted after all day filming. Their meeting came to an end soon after. And his manager gives him a concerned expression.

"What's wrong?"

"Minho sunbae texted me."

"Oh? Why the long face, then?"

Hwan shrugged, he honestly doesn't know either. After all, Min-Ho is his idol, and his actions today solidified that fact. Maybe it's because he can't get too close. Out of sheer courtesy, he still replied.


Min-Ho's reply came almost immediately, starling Hwan.

"Are you free now? Want to hang out?"

Hwan thanked the deities above that he's not free and doesn't have to lie to older.

"Sorry, Hyung. I'm still busy."

"Oh..... That's fine."

Truthfully, Hwan doesn't know what pushed him to send the next contradictory text. Maybe it's the fact that he wants to hang out with Minho, or that he needs some advice about acting. Hwan doesn't know, but he still did it.

"But I think I'll Be finished in about an hour, will you be free?"

Minho gave him his hotel address and room number. It's the exact opposite side of the hotel Hwan is staying in throughout the shooting and Hwan arrived fifteen minutes after seven through the heavy rain.

"Hey, sorry it's a bit messy. "I still haven't completed unpacking..." Minho welcomed him with a smile that warmed up Hwan's heart and he couldn't stop himself from smiling back almost dumbly.

"It's OK, Hyung" Hwan walked in, getting rid of his jacket, folding his umbrella, and leaving it beside the entrance.

He followed Minho, looking around like a curious child. It's no surprise to Minho to get a hotel suite for his stay, after all, he's one of the biggest actors in South Korea. Hwan is still a long way from being in the position of the older to enjoy the lavish treatment.

"Coffee or tea?" Minho asked, leaning against the small kitchen counter and he's somehow so attractive in a casual manner even though he's not doing anything.

"Tea, Thank you, Hyung"

Hwan sat down, awkward, thankful that the TV is one so he has something to keep himself busy with.

"I prefer staying alone after shooting"

Minho began, placing the cup on the coffee table before taking a seat next to him, "But it gets boring."

Hwan kept his eyes glued to the TV, trying to ignore the fact that the older is currently sitting so close to him. Sure, they are even closer earlier today, hell, Older saw him half-naked, but it's different when he's on set because he's just doing his job. When he's not acting, it's more.... Intimate.

"I can imagine."

Minho noticed that younger is not comfortable, so he played an episode of the dram Hwan acted in.

"Do we have to watch that?" Hwan asked, face already read even though he hasn't even appeared on screen yet.

"I haven't seen it and this is a nice opportunity," Minho reasoned with a smile that, for the first time, seemed sinister.

"But it's so embarrassing Hyung..."

"I already know you own a plant named after me, how much more can you possibly embarrass yourself?"

At this point, Hwan is sure his cheeks are as red as a tomato. Hwan purposefully avoided older's teasing gaze, instead of staring at the pure white carpet beneath his feet.

"You'd be surprised," was the only thing he can mutter out before he sunk onto a hole of self-blame and embarrassment. Fuck his filter-less mouth for exposing him to all of his ridiculous hobbies. But older laughed and maybe the embarrassment was worth it, after all.

After their teasing, they focus on watching the drama, which thankfully Hwan didn't appear much in said part. The peaceful quietness apart from the sound of TV broken from the older sudden question, taking the younger man off-guard.

"Did I do something wrong?" Minho asks, his gaze fixed on the screen.

Hwan stares at the older, his mouth gaping at the question. Minho turns to him after a few minutes, having not received a response from the younger. He watched the surprised expression on the younger's face.

"I did. Right?" He mutters with a sad voice. And it makes Hwan get out of his frozen state.

"What are you talking about Hyung?" Hwan asks.

"Didn't I do something? That's why you avoid me during the day." Older states with a sigh and turns to the TV.

"Oh my gosh... Hyung... No, No you didn't do anything." Hwan began to panic. Fuck his stupidity. He didn't believe the older would notice he was avoiding him.

"Then why did you avoid me?" Min-Ho asks. He is certain he has not done anything to make the younger man uncomfortable. But then something happened. And it's because of him. Since he witnessed younger interacting with other cast members and staff members during his breaks while younger ones avoided him.

"I am sorry Hyung," Hwan mutters with a small voice. But it's not the response older was hoping for. Minho looks at the younger and does not comment on the lack of explanation.

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