Chapter 09

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Even though confronting the older actor the next day was awkward, Hwan managed to do it without flushing in front of everyone. But that was a big deal for him. But he didn't have much time to ponder over their dry humping encounter. Because when they arrived at the location the next day, they were greeted by a massive structure for his fighting scene. The crew had done their best to prepare for the scene. Only Hwan had to perform it flawlessly now.

Hwan emerges from the dressing tent with a water bottle in his hand after getting dressed in his costume and makeup. He's tense. Aside from the fact that this isn't his first fight scene, the pressure of acting flawlessly and in the manner that the director demands put pressure on him. And, despite having only a few films to his credit, Hwan is well-known for his work in the action scenes. Minho is also present for his scene, which adds to the pressure.

Hwan examines the safety precautions that the crew had provided for them. They're shooting on Mountain, but it's a little higher than he expected. There was a mattress and netting all about. The stunt crew is prepared, with wires and everything. Hwan, Ha Joon, and other actors are dressed in their gear, testing the wires and getting ready.

When everything was ready, the director shouted 'action,' causing him to switch to his character immediately.

Yeong had no idea what would happen when they left with only a few of his security. He was irritated by what was going on in the palace. Japan is threatening them once more. And that made his spouse strive extra hard to ensure the safety of his people. Even though Lee Gon knew he could merely approach his father for aid, he didn't. And he's not going to. Yeong understands why. He understands his husband better than himself, therefore he doesn't need to talk to him to tell him what's on his mind. As a result, he decides to assist his husband in his way. Yeong has more connections than Lee Gon could expect. Yeong had sent missives to his associates, requesting a meeting outside the palace. He was on his way to the palace after the meeting. He was relieved that he could seek the assistance of others. They have promised to assist as quickly as possible.

Yeong was so engrossed in his thoughts, plotting his next move to help his husband, that he didn't notice someone following them. His commander abruptly came to a halt, signaling others to do the same.

"Someone is there. Cover up his highness," his commander, Ji Hoon, shouted to his squad, and they formed a tight circle around Yeong's horse, their weapons were drawn.

Yeong extends one hand toward his waist, where his sword strap is fastened and clutches his sword while he looks at Ji Hoon.

There was no movement for a few seconds, just the sound of leaves and wind. His commander signaled one of his soldiers, and he took a cautious step toward the thicket on which they were focusing. A deer leaps from behind a bush, startling everyone.

Ji Hoon breathed a sigh of relief as he saw the poor animal. However, their relief was short-lived as an arrow flew through the air, nearly striking His Highness Yeong. However, the royal reacted quickly and shifted his body away from the attack, causing the arrow to strike one of their soldiers.

Everything devolved into chaos as a result. Everyone grabs their bows and swords and attacks the men that emerge from the bushes, but no evil, Yeong and J Hoon were at a disadvantage since they only had a few soldiers with them, and they were swiftly outnumbered by the attackers. Yeong and Ji Hoon were aware that if they continued to fight, it's risky now that both of them have few injuries on their bodies and their chances of survival would be reduced. And Ji Hoon cannot defeat all of the men to defend the prince consort. Even Yeong was well-versed in self-defense.

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