Chapter 10

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As Minho rushed to the mattress, Ha Joon was already beside Hwan, who groans clutching his head. Other staff had shortly joined them. Minho quickly lifts Hwan's body, and Ha Joon assists him in removing the belt with the broken cable end around his waist.

"Let us take him, Minho-sshi," two guys from their emergency care team said as they approached the injured actor with a stretcher. Hwan's body became motionless as he became unconscious before they could do anything. Minho looks at him, his eyes wide.

"Hwannie, no, no, don't sleep," Minho says urgently as he places him on the stretcher.

The paramedics swiftly examined his injuries and put oxygen mask.

After attending to the first-aid, they proceed to move from the woods to the outside as quickly as possible, carrying the unconscious actor.

Everyone was staring at the sight as the ambulance with Hwan and Minho took off. Both actors' managers, as well as director Choi, immediately follow them in a car.

Minho and Hwan's manager are pacing in the corridor outside the emergency care unit. While director Choi was on the phone with other members of the location's crew. They had no idea what was going on inside. Minho is so worried. Hwan did not wake up on the way to the hospital. They were in the woods, and the hospital was a bit farther away. However, the paramedics assured him that Hwan was not in danger.

Soon after, a doctor and nurse emerged through the glass doors, followed by Hwan, who was still asleep on the bed. He was dressed in hospital gowns and was hooked up to an oxygen machine. A male nurse pushed his bed down the corridor, and others followed them. They had moved the actor to the VIP ward. After double-checking everything, the doctor turns to them.

"Doctor," both Minho and Hwan's manager spoke to him at the same time.

The doctor gives them a small smile.

"Don't worry, he'll be alright. In two hours, Mr. Woo will wake. We also performed an MRI scan of him. There is nothing to be concerned about. He is not suffering from any internal wounds. And he can be released a few hours after waking up. But he should take a break. I'm afraid, but he shouldn't do anything that would make him dizzy for at least three days," the doctor added, motioning to the clothing fold on the table near the bed, which he had estimated the accident had taken during the shooting.

"Thank you, doctor, we'll take care of it." Director Choi immediately replied.

"-There are also a few bruises and swells on his head and body. We gave him some medicines. However, it will take a few days for it to vanish."

"Oh, okay doctor, thank you."

"Please contact me if you have any questions." The doctor then gave them a little bow and walked away with his staff.


"Thank God, I was scared." Hwan's manager exhaled a breath of relief.

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