Chapter 11

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I turn to see what has him so happy and he gets up to go to the adult games and I follow close behind him. I see a slots game that is big bang theory themed and he raises his arms in the air. "bazinga" he shouts I played this at a casino a while ago he sits down, and I watch as he swipes the card and it actually worked the way this is set up is different from a casino instead of money you get tickets and they are used for prizes and shit but the prizes are more adult-themed. I sit next to him and the booth next to him and it is just a normal slots game. I start playing and I become just as invested as him. Time seemed to fly by and before I knew it the card wouldn't register anymore. I look over to see Nandor trying to swipe the card.

I smile at him and I tap his shoulder "hey the card time is up" I inform him. He looked displeased but I manage to pull him away from the game and we scan the cards, and we had a shit ton of tickets. I look at all the prizes and I see a big reversible octopus plush. I keep eyeing it and Nandor must have noticed and asked for that which took up a lot of his tickets he gives it a wired look and hands it to me not sure what the hell it is." What do you want" I ask, and he looks around and sees a lamp it is a lava lamp he seemed impressed with it so I got that for him and we used the rest of what was on the cards for candy which he couldn't eat so he gave them to me. I'm going to make it up to him by making him the blood candy once we get home. It was nearing three in the morning, and I still have stuff to do when I get home, so we decide now was a good time to leave. As we walk home, I held his hand, it was cold but in some strange way was also soothing.

"Did you have fun?" he asks

"Yeah, I haven't been there in a long time I thought they took it down if I'm being honest" I admit

"What is that thing," he asks while taking the plush out of my hand.

"Well, it is an octopus and this side shows a happy face but once you flip it inside out I take it from him and reverse it shows a mad face" I show him and he takes it from me and starts to flip it from once face to the other as if he is trying to figure out how it is doing that. I find it amusing and once we get home, I help him set up his Lava lamp and I put my new stuffed animal in my room when I hear Laszlo call me. I go to him, and he was looking for something. "Yes sir"

"I'm having a hard time finding my hat"

"Well, what does it look like," I ask

"It is made of the flesh of a witch, Nadja swears it's cursed and that whoever wears it will experience bad luck, but I disagree."

"Well, where did you last have it on," I ask

"Somewhere in here, I think. help me look for it" he demands and I start looking around the room it was about twenty minutes and I find a wooden box with chains and the label read cursed witch hat hide from Laszlo and I knew I found it I take it to him and he seemed pleased he opens the box and inside was indeed a hat and I could tell just from looking at it that it isn't something to fuck with.

"Um are you sure you should wear that" I ask

"Oh, I'm not going to wear it I'm going to give it to some asshole who called me a fag" he smiles evilly. "And while we are out, we are going to hunt as well he informs" and leaves calling for Nadja and she comes down and looked very displeased.

"The fuck are you doing with that stupid hat" she yells

"Im giving it away to that guy that called me a fag I managed to track him down now are we going or not"

"Im not going anywhere with that thing" she hisses, and Laszlo rolls his eyes and leaves without her. She notices me and rushes over. "How was the date" she asks

"it was really fun, we played a few games and then I got a drink at the bar it has worn off by now, but then Nandor saw a game he really wanted to play it was in the adult area and we just played slots the rest of the time and we got each other something from the prize area, he got me a stuffed animal and I got him a lava lamp"

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