cold (Seungmin)

571 18 13

Love can take different forms, different dimensions. It can be a shout or whisper, a soft touch or the corner of a smile, a gasp or a stare.Love can be found everywhere even in the lonely, lost place of a heart.

You met love when you met him. Kim Seungmin. From the very beginning, it had never felt like fireworks, like in the movies. It was peaceful, soothing, quiet. He felt like home. You were not looking for anything when you fell in love with him but you ended up getting exactly what you did not know you wanted. A stable relationship with someone who was calm, soft and smart. Someone who would never raise his voice, who would always listen to you and who would push you to be the best version of yourself.

He isn't often home because he works and travels a lot and you are proud of him for the things he achieves every day and for the man he becomes. You are fine with being alone most of the time because you appreciate your own company. However, sometimes you wish the bed wouldn't feel empty, you wish he would hold you until you fall back to sleep, you wish you would see his face while waking up, you wish you would raise your eyes from your book and see him focus on his own book. You wish you wouldn't feel an abyss growing inside your aching heart. His absence has a presence of its own. In addition to not being there, he is not exactly the type of person to demonstrate his love in great gestures or words. You know he loves you. And, in a way, it is enough. Isn't it?

You look at the clock on the other side of the open space. Once again, you are the last one working. Everyone left earlier. They went home to their partner, kids or went out to have a drink. You sigh while taking your bag to leave the building. While walking towards the parking lot, your heels click on the ground and you can't wait to go home to take them off. While you enter your car, you take a minute to text your boyfriend to let him know you are thinking about him. You don't even remember which city he is in tonight. In the beginning, you kept track of where he was but you lost this habit. These days, the man never leaves your mind. He is stuck there and you feel some tears coming while you think about him. Knowing you won't be able to feel his heartbeat against your ear anytime soon. You think about him more often now. It may be because your two years anniversary is close. You don't know. You turn on the music to distract you while you are driving.

When you reach your parking lot, you smile knowing you will be able to have a glass of wine and you feel like taking a bath tonight. You search for the keys in your bag and open the door of the appartement.

You join the silence and darkness of your home with a sad smile. You reach for the light switch but when you try pushing it, it doesn't work.

"What now?" you sigh.

You search for your phone in your bag but can't find it.

"What are you looking for, love?"

The voice makes you jump.


"Good evening y/n."

Your eyes are now adjusted to the darkness of the room and you see him on the other side of the room, standing before the window. You wonder how you did not see him before.

"You're home."

"I am home."

Slowly, step by step, he comes towards you. You let your bag on the floor and close the gap between you as his lips crash on yours. You feel the empty hole of your heart starting to be filled with every kiss, every touch of his finger, every smile he gives while kissing you and even with his gaze every time you break the kiss.

"I was not expecting this" you tell him, his hands still cupping your cheeks, yours laced behind his neck.

"That was the plan."

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