A Lying Witch and a Warden

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Y/N's P.O.V

"And that's the end." "The end of what?" "My book report." I stayed silent as always and let Luz do the talking. I never really liked talking, That's why I don't have many friends. The snake bit the Azura doll that Luz was holding. "I think we knocked it out of the park." I said silently. "Your book report is why your in here." The principal said pointing at the window which had students running and screaming with snakes on their head. "So that's where the other snake went." I said. Mom was opening her mouth, so I was scared what she was going to say. "And what were you going to do with this?" She held up some fire works. "That was for the act three closer." My sister Lez said. (That's my oc since I wanted to be apart of this story. Don't ask why her name is close to being like Luz's.) We all made a sad face looking at the ground. I really thought mom was gonna be proud of our book report. "Mija's, I love your creativity, but it's gotten out of hand." She said while kneeling down at us. "Do you remember why you were in the principal's office the last three times?" I thought back to when I made a weird face to impress my crush. I also  mixed the wrong thing with a potion I was making and it exploded. The last thing I did  was freak out the girls in gym. I'm sure Luz and Lez thought of different things. "We all love that you girls express yourselfs, but if you can't learn to separate fantasy from reality, you may need to spend the summer here." She showed us a packet that said 'Reality Check Summer Camp.' I hate summer camp so I looked even sadder then my other sisters. "Don't worry, Mom. We won't you down. No more weirdness." My sister Lez said as she stood up. Right after that the snake in Luz's arm flew at the principals face. "That doesn't count, right?" We all said in unsion with a scared look.

Time skip 3rd P.O.V (1:29 is how far were going so far)

All the sisters were looking down at the concrete in front of there house. They all slumped their back. It makes since there triplets. They were all packed up ready to go. "Oh. Oh, my baby's. Now don't worry." She said while hugging all three of them. She let go. "Summer camp is only gone to be for three months. You girls will be so busy balancing checkbooks and learning to appreciate public radio, the time will fly by." " But we don't like any of that stuff. I like editing anime clips to music and reading fantasy books with convoluted backstories." Luz said. "I like watching anime and collecting pokemon cards." Lez said. Y/N didn't say anything since she was the type to only talk when needed. "Mija's, Your fantasy worlds are holding you back. Do you have any friends exept you're sisters? Real ones, not imagined or drawn or reptilian?" Camila looked geninually concerned. "Summer camp is a chance to make some friends, but you have to try." She said. All of them were walking towards the garbage can. Luz put her good witch Azura book in, Lez put in her pokemon cards, and Y/N put in her favorite fantasy book in. "Can you do that?" "Yes, Mom." The sisters said in union. They were all sad putting in all of our favorite stuff in the garbage like that. Camila's phone buzzed and she picked it up. "Oh, I gotta go to work." She kissed the sister's cheeks. "Your bus is coming soon. Text me when you all get their Y/N. Stay safe, Mija's. Have a good day." She then started going to her car. "Bye Mom." They were silent for a second. Then they started looking in the trash for their stuff. " Where are they? Where are they?" They then heard a owl hoot. They all turned to look at it. They saw an owl holding a bag with their stuff sticking out of it. The owl started flying away very close to the ground. "Tiny trash thief!" They started running after him. They were panting because of the big luggage but were still going. They stopped and gasped when they saw the owl was going into a broken up, abandoned house. The owl went inside. They all got scared then growled, then they ran inside. It turns out, it was a magical door they went through. But they didn't know that yet. The door closed to the house then the whole house glowed. The owl kept on running. "Stop adorably hopping away, you... Huh?"

Lez's P.O.V

Me and my sisters were all confused since we just walked into a house but it looked like the inside of a tent. "Where the hell are we?" I whispered. We all looked around. I saw a glowing necklace on the ground. 'Lez.' I jumped. it sounded like it talked to me. 'Lez. Pick me up.' I listend to it and picked it up. After that it chimed three times, then it floated around me and it put itself on my neck. I thought it looked pretty cool for a ruby necklace. I looked at it for a while. Then I realized I needed to look after my younger sister's since I'm the older triplet. I went over to Luz and Y/N. "Whoa, I thought I had a lot of weird stuff. But this, this is impressive." I was about to tell Luz to put down the thing she was holding because the arms were going for her. But then someone interupted me. "Finally, you're back." We all gasped and crouched down. Luz dropped the doll thing in the process. We all started walking to where the voice was coming from. "Now, let's see what we've got here." We all opened the tent door a bit. We then saw a lady with grey hair and a stick. The owl we were chasing before went to the top of the stick and stepped on it. The lady turned the owl and it turned wooden. We all gasped. I sure wasn't expecting that. " garbage, garbage, garbage." She was throwing away a lot of usefull stuff. The lady gasped. "Now, this... This will make me rich." She looking impressed with some weird glasses on her face which she said would make her 'rich.'  "And these... Uh, these'll make good kindling." She said while looking at out stuff. She put our stuff over a candle. We all ran to get our stuff. "Excuse us. Sorry. That's ours. Thank you." We got our stuff then we ran for the door, but it closed and folded up. I didn't know doors can do that. "You're not going anywhere." The lady said. She looked real mad. We were all scared, so we put our stuff in our bag . Then I picked op the tent a little, I let my sisters through then I ran through. We kept on running. I saw the cliff so I had to stop my sisters. We saw a whole weird world in front of us. We saw monsters being like humans. Except with their own style. "Oh fuck no. Where are we!? Ahhhh!" I screamed a little since a fairy was standing next to me. "Oh, hi little fairy. Do you know where we are?" I asked." Give me your skin!" I shreiked then I knocked it down and stepped on it. "Where are we!? Are we in a bad place?" The lady walked up to me and put her hand on my shoulder which spooked me. "You wish." She said. She dragged us all to the front of her shop and put us on a stool. "We're so sorry. We just wanted our stuff. If you're gonna eat my skin, Just make it quick, just do it now." Luz said. I put her hand back down. "Eat you? Why would I eat a potential customer?" We all looked at her confused. "Can I offer you a human foot filled with holes? A bar of green human candy? Oh, oh, how about a black shadowbox that reflects only sadness?" We all giggled. Y/N started speaking which was new. "That's not all it can do. Here, let me see." She picked up the t.v and opened the place where the batteries went. I picked up some batteries that were in the human candy section. I gave it to Luz and she gave in to Y/N. Y/N put it where the batteries went and a man dancing was on the screen. A lot of monsters came up to the stand. "These peple actually like this stuff?" I mumbled. "I'll pay 40 snails for the screaming box." "I'll give you 100." "Can I eat the tiny person inside?" A lot of monsters loved this tv. "What did you say your names were?" The lady said.  "She's Luz, she's Y/N, and I'm Lez." "Well, girls, that was pretty clever. For humans." She was collecting the money. I thought she was being strange for saying that. "That's kind of a weird thing for another human to say." Luz said. "Oh, dear childs, I'm not like you." She took of a bandana off her ears and showed POINTY EARS!? "I'm Eda the Owl Lady, the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles."  I thought she was so cool for being a witch. She was standing on the table while saying that. "A witch?" Luz said. "I am a respected, feared..." "Busted." A figure crushed the Tv with his fist. "Run! It's a guard!" Huh?

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