Battling a shipwreck

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Marnie's POV:

I am so embarrassed from last night even if it was just Victor's chest showing...wet from the shower

Oh Acreus what do I do my dreams of him didn't help eithe-- huh...urggg pull yourself together.

Vincent: uuhhhh you ok ..... Marnie hello  ......... EARTH TO MARNIE

I jumped in shock realising that Vincent recognised me deep in thought.

Vincent: you ok ever since we got her you've been a little spaced out and your face was more red than a tomato berry

Uuhhhh well that's uhh. I hid my face away from him.

Vincent : it's OK I'd you don't wanna talk I just wondered if you wanted to talk battle strategies the tournament is today

Oh right I forget this tournament. The rules say only one pokemon naturally I choose Morpeko I wonder what he will choose....

Who is your pokemon Vincent?

Vincent: well... it's a suprise but it is a water type

Wait mine is an electric type so how will we--

Vincent: listen closely

He whispered in my ear the plan and I have to admit it was incredible he must have seen it from the reaction on my face .

I slightly turn my head and see Hop and Bede as well ....Victor staring back at me with his signature smile . Why does he have to be cute.

Vincent: soo is he the reason why your blushing so much

Vincent says it in a smug tone making me scramble out my words.

I- I it's not- I'm not... we're no-

Vincent: relax I'm just teasing go see you friends I'll get our supplies and we'll meet when the tournament starts.

I run over to the group trying to calm my face from blushing

Victor's POV:

I see Marnie talking to that Vincent guy and seeing her blush ....does she like him I'm not overthinking am I it just seems he seen her more on this ship then I have.

She slightly turns to me and seeing her face somehow just makes me smile but I frowned as soon as she turned away. I let out a sigh

Hop: Vic Vic ....mate you in there

Bede: how long as he been standing there

Hop: long enough for me to resort to drastic measures

Bede: Wait what do you mean by drast-


Owww WHY would you do THAT?

Hop: OK I think he's good now

Bede: Dear Lord

Don't ever do that again Hop.

Bede: Why were you spacing out in the first place

Hop: Oh he likes Marnie


Hop: Oh was that suppose to be a secret sorry man but it's crazy right?!!

Bede: Oh I already knew I didn't know it was why he was spacing out


Bede: .... your telling me you didn't know how obvious it was with you two always blushing around eachother

I Bury my face in my hands in embarrassment.

Bede: speaking of Marnie here she comes


Marnie: Hey guys what are doing here

Hop: we were supposed to prepare for the tournament but let's just say *someone* was distracted

Marnie: Wait what is he-

Uuhhh you know Hop mysterious about what he talks about but you just fund out it's a stupid piece of information

Marnie: whatever you say I guess .... so your all entering as well

Hop: not all of us

Everyone instantly turns to Bede

Bede: Why did you all assume it was me what about Victor

All of us but Bede was snickering at this comment as if the main protagonist would be alone.

Marnie: so it is you

Bede:.... yes

Hop: well can you blame him his special partner went to travel all over the world

Bede: stop saying that Ho--

Ohh right Gloria I was wondering why it was so quiet lately she's been travelling in other regions for a while now.

Hop: Yeah too bad she was a strong trainer and she could keep Bede in check

Marnie: Yeah I miss having another girl in the group I reallocate need her now

Bede:....... Wait what do you mean in check

Yeah I miss that loud mouth idiot

Third Person POV

???: heh let's see which ones will make it in the tournament can't have any weak trainers helping us

???: Raahggh

???: I know their reliable but we can't risk any chances

The figure above went away as soon as they came

Victor: huh what was....

Hop: what was what

Victor :never mind let's get ready

                ~~~~few hours later~~~~

The tournament began and the heat was on Marnie, Vincent, Victor and Hop easily swept through the rounds until the two teams faced eachother in the semi finals.......

IT'S BACK!!! After so long it is back sorry this took so long but expect a new chapter soon. Bye and stay safe 😁

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