𝘼 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙡𝙮 𝙈𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜│ 1.3

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You desperately wanted to sleep so bad, but you couldn't. You stayed up all night, thinking way too much. You even outlasted Connor who was peacefully slumbering on your shoulder. It was only until the crack of dawn that your body allowed you to get some shut-eye.

You were a second away from dozing off when you, again, got a Notch-forsaken wake up call!

"Hey, (Name)~" A voice whispered into your ear and you could feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Weird, the voice sounded like Connor's but it was different in a way? You then feel something nudge your side. "Are you awake?"

You refused to open your eyes or more like, your eyes refused to open for you. "No, wake up me up later..."

"That iron lug is gonna be here any ssssecond and you gotta go get your parentsss." You didn't want to admit it, but Connor was right.

You let out a much needed yawn, stretching your arms out. You had fallen asleep sitting up against the headboard, so along with the immense fatigue, there was also back pain. That same presence at your side was still there as well. Wow, I make him a bed and he doesn't even use it...

Done with your stretching routine, you finally open your eyes.

"Risssse and sssssshine!" The creeper exclaimed with a hiss.

Appropriately, you screamed and rolled off your bed.

"(Name)! It'ssss me! Connor!"

You didn't listen and kept on muttering to yourself incomprehensibly. "A creeper talking? I must be dreaming..."

There's a creeper. There's a creeper. Crap, I don't have any weapons. I have to get out here before I get blown up! Those were your thoughts as you raced out of your room with impressive agility. You slide across the hallway floor, stopping at the staircase.

You left the creeper back in your room speechless.

One... Two ... Three ...

"Uh oh..."

It took Connor a painstakingly long three seconds to finally realize what was wrong. He looked down at himself and back at the doorway you ran through.

"Oopsss, I accidentally changed formsss again..." If it weren't for his lack of arms, he would be rubbing the back of his neck out of embarrassment.

Again, it took him another three seconds to realize what you were going to try to do. You were going to kill him or you were going to find someone who can.

"(Name), wait! Lisssten!" He shouted, scrambling into the hallway. He wasn't the fastest of the bunch (while in his creeper form at least) so he was too late to save you from yourself.

However, he is just in time to see your clumsy self trip, thanks to your lack of sleep. Connor visibly winces as you tumble down the stairs, closing his eyes upon hearing your screams of pain.

In a very comical fashion, you hit every stair and finally land at the bottom on your stomach in excruciating pain. Images of the creeper towering over you in your sleep flashed in your mind. Out of fear, you try your best to get up but you are sent to the floor again as you jump, reacting to the door that has just been slammed open.

Isaiah had burst through, making his way over to you post-haste. He skillfully sheathed his sword and bent down in front of you.

"What happened? And, where are you hurt?" He asked sounding indifferent, scanning you for any obvious injuries.

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