39 days

25 1 1

IF I...

"if i die tomorrow, remember i-"

"shh. you won't. you'll live for me, okay? don't say that." he finishes off, with gentleness laced in his voice. it wasn't the first time he heared this from his boyfriend, nor is it going to be the last.

"you hear me? i love you. goodnight, i'll call you tomorrow!" then, the line cuts off. he puts down the phone, and prepares for a deep slumber.

"good morning! did you sleep well? how are you?" babbling first thing in the morning, oh, he loved it so much. loving the feeling of someone showing affection towards him- no, he wasn't just any person. he is his boyfriend. his person. his solace.


"when you get out of the hospital, what would you like to do?"

"... let's go to tokyo together."

"tokyo? sounds lovely! yes. let's go, together."


those... were your words. then, why? why did you have to go before i did?

you said we'd go together. together... but i'm alone now; you were all i had.

writing angst everyday until the day of my birthWhere stories live. Discover now