Part 5 - Project

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Jungkook start to singing and you listen to it carefully. You really like his voice color. It makes you warm and he sounds so gentle. His voice clearly gives you the message of the song. After he sing, you clap your hands. “Jeon Jungkook, that such a perfect song! What’s the song called?” “It’s called Just One Day. It’s about-“ “What the boy will do if he got just a day with the girl that he love.” You continue his words. “That’s right. You can feel it?” “Yes Jungkook, your voice clearly give the message to me. How can you do it?” “Do what?” “That. Gave message through your voice.” “Um… I don’t know (Y/N). I just give everything in me to sing this song.” “Ah...” you smiled at him. You spend the rest afternoon with Jungkook and went home. Of course he drove you home again. “You so kind to me Kookie. How can I ever repay it?” “Just being my closest friend. That’s all I need.” “You’re so weird.” “I know. And this weird person is your friend.” “I know that. I’m going in now. Bye Kookie.” “Bye (Y/N)…” you get in to your house and do your things. It’s been already a month since Jimin apologize to you. you can see how much he changing. He never bully you, in fact, he trying to make a conversation with you. but you always give him a short answer. Sometimes you want to try to start a conversation with him but somehow you couldn’t do it. One day, the teacher gave you a project and you paired with someone in your class. All this time, you always paired with Jungkook. But the teacher choose to pairing people as he wanted to so you got paired with Jimin. You can’t do anything but sigh. “So (Y/N)… I was wondering are you free tomorrow?” “Yeah. Why?” “Um… then let’s do our project tomorrow shall we?” “Okay. Up to you.” “Great. Meet me at the coffee shop nearby our school at 3 p.m okay?” “Okay.” Then he back to his seat. “Maybe this is the time that I should try to open up with him. I shouldn’t get mad at him all the time.” You thought to yourself. The next day, you waited him at the coffee shop. You wear a short pants and white crop tee. You came 5 minutes earlier so he wouldn’t wait for you. you order Americano coffee and you wait for him outside. When you just about to walk out of the coffee shop, you saw Jimin is already stand in front of the shop. You poke his shoulder and he turn around. “(Y/N)! You’ve already here?” “Yeah.” “You’ve waiting for me for long time aren’t you? I’m so sorry.” “No, I’ve just arrived here and brought coffee. You want it?” “Ah no thanks. Should we go now?” “Where?” “To my house. It didn’t far from here.” “Okay then.” You follow him from behind. Somehow you still keep a distance between you and Jimin. You know you shouldn’t do it, maybe it’s because you still can’t trust him fully. When you arrived at his house, you can see a pretty house in front of you. it’s a big house but not as big as you. you walked in and you meet his mother who just go downstairs. “Omo, who is this pretty girl Chim?” “Her name is (Y/N) mom…” “Hi Mrs. Park, it’s nice to meet you. I’m (Y/N)” “(Y/N)? such a pretty name. you must be a big gift for your parents.” “Tch, gift my ass.” You thought. You just smiled at her. “So are you my son’s girlfriend?” you gasp a little. “No Mrs. Park, I’m his friend. We have a project and Jimin ask me to make it at here.” “Ah I see… I thought you were my son’s girlfriends sweety. Because he never take his friends to here.” And she give a glare to Jimin. “So I am the first?” “Yeah darling. Make yourself comfortable in here okay? And just call me eomma instead of Mrs. Park. I like it that way.” You a little shock to hear that but somehow you really like her. “Okay e-eomma. Thank you for the warm welcome.” “Sure darling. Just call me whenever you need anything or Chimchim needs to kicked at his butt.” You laughing. “Chimchim?” “Yeah, we always call him with that nickname. You should call him that too.” “Okay ladies, we need to stop this conversation. (Y/N) and me are gonna make the project at the garden mom. Feel free to call us anytime.” “Okay Chim.” And she lean closer to Jimin and whisper at him, “I like this girl. How about you Chim?” He just smiled at his mom and drag you away to the garden.

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