001 ; Muzan

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Amaya POV:

"CAW CAW! Go To (Mountain Name)! CAW CAW! Demon Eating Small Children!! CAW CAW!" I look up to my crow and nod, I start making my way over to (Mountain name) so I can get this mission over and go back to my estate to rest.

(Amaya is currently a hashira)

Once I arrive there it's just dark, I look around taking note of how empty the town is, though I can sense a few people in their houses.

All of a sudden there's a presence coming towards me at a fast speed, I quickly turn around and deflect their attack with my katana.

Behind me was a middle aged man, though it was obvious he was a demon, due to his two horns protruding from either side of his head. I waste no time and start to attack him, looking for an opening so I can chop his head off. "Hold on! You're a demon, why are you attacking me!?" He yells while dodging my attacks, I stay quiet as I don't like interacting with ugly demons, I notice an opening and quickly unsheathe my sword and aim straight for it.

His head quickly slides off "Why did you chop my head of brat!? We're supposed to be on the same side, why are you teaming with those ugly demon slayers!" I pay no mind to his blabbering and quickly walk off.

"My my~ What do we have here?" I quickly turn my head to the direction of the voice. "A demon fighting another demon? What a pity" A shiver goes down my spine at the voice, I can just tell this demon is stronger than any other I've fought before.

I quickly turn around and jump back as someone touches my shoulder, my eyes widen and my grip on my katana tightens drastically, standing in front of me is The Muzan Kibutsuji.

My legs and arms shake slightly, I may be a strong demon but I know just yet I'm not as strong as the demon progenitor.

"No need to be scared, Doll. I won't hurt you, as long as you come with me" Muzan states, grinning slightly, I vigorously shake my head as no and he looks at me with slight anger. "I have no intentions to kill you but let's have a little fun? Hmmm.. where should I send you?" He puts a finger to his chin, still staring at me.

"Hah! I know just where to send you". As soon as he says that he snaps his fingers and a black portal like hole appears under me, sucking me in.

It feels like i've been falling for hours on end, when will I finally touch the ground I think looking around grimly.

I fall for a few more minutes until I see a bright light appear under me, which i quickly fall through. I look around while falling and notice I'm falling into a forest, I quickly regain my composure and land swiftly, with my arms behind me like a butterfly.

I look at my surroundings when my vision starts to blur, I try to keep my eyes open but it fails in the end and I fall to the ground with a *THUD!*

All Might POV:

I was strolling around doing my nightly patrol, when I suddenly see a young girl falling from the sky, into a forest. I run their as fast as I can, but when I arrive I see the girl laying on the ground.

I rush over to her and check her pulse, breathing a sigh of relief 'Her pulse is still there, thank god. I wonder where she came from.., it seems like she's just passed out.


Amaya's Crow POV:

I was flying around, looking for any demons to report to my master, when I felt something wrong with my master.

(Her and her crow have a special bond, 6th sense kinda thing y'know)

I fly over to where I last saw her as quick as I can, and notice a man standing before her. Just being near him makes me feel unsafe, suddenly a black hole appears under her and sucks her in, before I can fly away I am sucked into the same hole.

Master POV:

"CAW CAW! Flower Pillar Has Disappeared! CAW CAW! Sucked Into A Black Hole! CAW CAW!" I widen my eyes slightly at that statement, though they quickly go back to normal. "Oh dear, I do hope she is okay, Crow-San, please call a pillar meeting" I tell the crow. I chuckle softly knowing who's crow was sent to look after her

I knew you couldn't leave her alone, Rengoku-San

Words: 790

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