AN: Thank you to all who have supported the story thus far(: I'm really appreciate it(: That said, here's your next update and enjoy!
Journal Entry 3: Romeo Is a Player
As it turns out, Jenn did figure out that I was the culprit to her mystery of the vanishing sketching paper. Being the only other teenager in the house was a dead giveaway apparently, since the adults barely had any use for the paper, though fortunately for me, she could hardly be bothered to get mad.
Alright, not really; for a while, she yelled and attempted to ignore me when I confronted her about the issue, but after about five minutes, she couldn’t really maintain the cold face and everything went back to normal. It’s sort of typical of my cousin to behave this way, but I guess that’s why living here is pretty easy-going. One could say that Jenn was in a way, a pushover, and despite her temperamental tendencies, she could never stay mad at anyone for long, needless to say, me.
I never did get a chance to suggest my idea of a friend gathering to her though, for by the time she did calm down, she realized that she had completely forgotten about the algebra homework she was supposed to do, and chased me out of her room.
It’s kind of sad actually, to be chosen over homework by your very own cousin, but I guess, considering how I had stolen her sketching paper, and had yet to apologize for doing so, I probably don’t have much right to complain.
Oh well, it wasn’t as if all was lost anyway, because as I did find out later while eavesdropping on her conversation over the phone (unintentionally), Jennison was already planning on inviting her friends over to the house the coming Wednesday. This meant that it would have been extremely redundant had I told her to do so earlier, and I had just saved myself from arousing her suspicion.
Sometimes, I swear, either the fates really do love me, or I’m just so blessed, I have no idea what to say.
On another less cheery note though, I can’t help but feel the need to rant about my literature lessons. I know it’s sort of a huge and random jump, to go from lecturing cousins and good news, to something as nonsensical as literature, but until I get this off my chest, I really don’t think I can stare at my Romeo and Juliet text straight enough to pass my finals.
Yes, and that’s precisely what I want to rant about: Romeo and Juliet.
Or well… predominantly Romeo, but I’m guessing you get my point.
My whole issue with it isn’t that it’s a nonsensical book with a plot that barely makes sense. As much as the book’s olden speech makes me want to tear my hair out as well when trying to analyze the text, that isn’t my main problem either. What really does grate on my nerves is when people start comparing Romeo to someone who is really romantic, and starts proclaiming their pity for him, when really, in my eyes, all he is, is a freaking player.
I know. It’s kind of ironic that I’m saying this, considering what I’m being branded for. But really, just think about it. For pretty much the first chapter of the story, all he does is mope around because he’s convinced his one and only true love will be Rosaline, then right after he spots Juliet in the very ball he crashes to find Rosaline, he falls in love with her.
Honestly speaking, if that isn’t a trait of being a player, what is?
Sadly, I seem to be the only one with that opinion, because every single time I try to raise my argument about Romeo being douche bag, the only response I get from Mrs. Hardings is ‘Does anyone else want to share their opinion?’, which of course is followed by a chorus of loud protests.
The only person that I don’t think seems too averse to my idea though, would have to be my desk mate, Christine, for she’s usually pretty vocal about voicing her multiple disagreements with my viewpoint, but whenever I get to my thoughts on Romeo, she’s actually silent. She’s probably too embarrassed to admit that she actually agrees with me on the one point everyone finds ludicrous, especially since the whole class considers us a classic example of classroom loggerheads.
Call it hopeless irony perhaps, but at least that means a win for me, because at last I get to gloat in her face that I came up with something rational to her.
This reminds me, I should probably ask her about it when she comes over this Wednesday too. It should be fairly entertaining to see what she has to say to it in front of everyone without any chance of avoiding me. And to all you wondering souls out there, yes; as amusing as this may seem, she is also one of my cousin’s close friends, just… well… not the one that I like, far from it.
I mean, she’s intellectual, and I totally dig the intellectual types. (Trust me when I say that you really don’t want to date a complete ditz; as much of a bombshell they may be, they get a little too boring after a while.) But even so, having someone who cuts you down pretty much every single time you talk isn’t really worth it, it’s just plain annoying.
Gosh, why am I even bothering to explain myself though? Such stuff doesn’t really have to be logical; it just has to be heartfelt.
I guess all this journaling and trying to go in depth is getting to me. Just look at how overly-analytical I’m starting to become!
But oh well… on the bright side, being analytical would mean that I’m slowly succeeding in my quest to demonstrate my innate intelligence, and since I hear that chicks just love guys with that, that should be a good thing.
The only thing I would have to do now would just be to think of ways to get past Jenn this Wednesday when her friends come over. After all, it is high time that I take a step out of the shadows and reveal my prowess, and I’m not going to let a raven-haired cousin stop me.
Damn, now I really can’t wait.
Wednesday, here I come!