Chapter 1: The call of the storm

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Alphamon sat upon his throne. He breathed in and out as the tubes connecting himself to the digital world flowed within himself as he tried to find some semblance of peace.

Peace he knew he'd never find until all of them were destroyed.

He had succeeded in defeating the dark lord, despite all the loses, however the world still wasn't right. As long as those vermin existed the digital world would constantly be under threat of ending and being destroyed. He couldn't let that happen, not after how hard they had worked, not after how much they had to sacrifice.

He snapped out of his thoughts as knocks were heard from the doors. "My lord, may I come in?" A voice called out. "You may enter." Alphamon answered as he raised his hand to command the doors to open. Two beings stood before him. One was a large knight, though it couldn't compare to the scale of Alphamon, with a massive gold blade and shield that sat upon his back. With chains in his hands, he dragged the second being. It looked to be a hulking muscular creature covered in brown fur, though its face, upper back, elbows, hands and feet were red which fit alongside its red eyes, pink lips and large mouth.

The beast thrashed in its chains. "LET ME GO!" The creature yelled as the knight only tugged at his chains in response as the creature roared in pain. "Only speak when spoken to, vile beast." The knight said coldly as he threw the beast upon Alphamon's feet.

"Knightmon," Alphamon said to the knight as he glared at the beast with disgust. "Why have you brought this Wendimon to me?"

Knightmon got down on one knee and bowed before responding. "There was a gathering of it as well as others near one of the cities, this one here, spoke of a mutiny."

"BASTARD! I was going home with my tribe and then you attacked us!" Wendimon roared angrily as it tried to release itself to little success. "Mutiny you say?" Alphamon asked. "Yes, this had also killed two of our soldiers, this demands judgment." Knightmon replied and Alphamon nodded in agreement.

"Judgment... JUDGMENT!?!?! You had been the one to start it, we tried to flee peacefully but then you had kept on attacking us. LET ME GO!!!" Wendimon finally broke free and tried to attack Knightmon, however a hand grabbed the beast by its throat. Alphamon then held Wendimon to his face, glaring at what he viewed as a disgusting creature.

"Let you go? Why would I allow that? So you can slaughter more of us, you vile creatures?" Alphamon asked. The Wendimon shook with fear but held its ground. "Y-you are in no position to call me that for what you did to my kind, my family!" The beast yelled as Alphamon squeezed his hand tighter yet Wendimon kept going. "I was only told of the rumors of this mutiny, I am uncertain it exists. But I hope that it is. Cause if this shadow mistress is to be believed, I hope she makes you suffer. KOKO CRUSHER!"

The beast let out a powerful shock wave that shook the whole room with all the voice it could muster, but sadly it had done no damage to either Knightmon or Alphamon. Alphamon simply let out a humorless laugh. "I suppose if that is all you know, you have no use for me..."

He threw Wendimon down, hard. Wendimon crashed onto the floor, it was too damaged and too tired to escape its fate. Alphamon then raised his open palm as it started to glow. Wendimon glared at the face of death, death simply laughed once more.

"...perish. Digitalize of soul."

Alphamon spoke with no emotion as a green beam of light shot down at Alphamon. The beast couldn't even scream out in pain as it was immediately destroyed. "Is there anything else you want to inform me about? Something good I hope." He asked. "Andromon has also wanted to inform you that reworked Z-cores are coming along, and we are nearly ready to do more tests, so long as you allow it." Knightmon said. Alphamon sighed and rested his head in his hand. "Very well, proceed with the tests and experiment on those who try to speak out against us. Also inform Pidmon to look into this shadow mistress as well, You are dismissed." Alphamon said as Knightmon bowed and left the room.

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