Chapter 2: What's life without a little adventure

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As Kai was sucked in it felt like falling out of the sky. He could only flail around as he hopelessly tries to find something to grab onto. He was in endless darkness until saw a light? Was it hope or death? He thought. He was about to find out as he was heading straight towards it.



Kai heard a voice but didn't see anybody. He decided to ignore it.

"Kaichi? Are you there?"

It was probably his mom, he didn't want to deal with this. "Five more minutes, and don't call me kaichi." He mumbled.

"What do I call you then?"

Ok, this voice wasn't his mother, she wasn't a guy after all. Maybe it was one of the counselors, "Kai." He said slowly while blinking his eyes open.

"Kai it is. By Yggdrasil, you humans have such strange sleeping positions. Do all humans sleep like this?"

Kai was confused. Human? what was he, Kai's eyes then shot wide open. He realized two things from there. One was that he was upside down, and more importantly, there was some creature in front of him.

It looked to be some kind of small black dinosaur. It had green eyes, white claws and black leather belts mounted on its arms.

The green eyes bored into Kai. "Well glad to see you awake from your slumber Kai." It spoke to him, Kai then responded to the situation the way most others would, he screamed and frantically backed away.

"Is this how you humans greet one another?" It asked and then proceeded to yell at him which only installed more fear in Kai. "G-Get the hell away from me you, uh, Jurassic park reject!" Kai yelled trying to seem intimidating, but it was only amusing to the dinosaur.

"Oh I see, you must be frightened . It's all right Kai, calm yourself. I'm not here to hurt you, I promise." The dinosaur said with its arms raised to calm the boy down.

Kai calmed himself but kept his distance. "Who the heck are you? What the heck are you?" Kai asked.

"Ah where are my manners?" The dinosaur said, chuckling to himself, "My name is blackagumon, your personal Digimon partner." Blackagumon then proceeded to get closer to Kai.

"P-Partner? What do you mean by partner'' mean?" Kai asked. "It means..." Blackagumon proceeded to put Kai in an uncomfortable headlock as he explained. "We have been chosen by destiny to meet and help fix the digital world. Where we digital monsters, Digimon for short, live. You got all that?"

"Yeah I got it, now please let me go." Kai said and the dinosaur did as it was told. Kai rubbed his neck but soon noticed an uncomfortable pain in his right wrist. Kai pulled his sleeve and saw where the pain was coming from. It looked like a strange device that seemed to be a cross between a watch and a gauntlet. It was sleek and black in color with orange lines that resembled that on a computer chip, the lines then all connected to a rectangular screen, if you were to look down there would be some orange buttons and diamond shaped hole that the lines connected to.

"W-what the heck is this?" Kai asked as he attempted to get it off but to no avail, it was almost as though the watch was connected to his skin. Blackagumon then grabbed Kai's hand to stop him trying to take it off and explained, "That would be your digivice, this one being the D-bound model. It'll be useful for our endeavors later. Try not to bother it."

Kai stared at the digivice and pressed one of the buttons, he pointed it at Blackagumon and soon heard a robotic monotone voice.

Blackagumon, rookie level, virus type, special attacks: spitfire blast, body blow

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