chapter 2 (asher's p.o.v.)

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" jonathan I'm not here to party and stuff I'm here to protect the school." I told him firmly he pressed his lips in a thin line and narrowed his eyes.

" so am I but I have fun as do it." I rolled my eyes at that comment my reason for being here was not to go get smashed and party it was to keep the school safe from any outside threats like and vampires. his frown in a mischievous grin.

" your scared aren't you?" he asked I gulped and frowned.

" of what jon I'm a werewolf nothing's gonna hurt me." I lied. he was right I was terrified outta my wits. I mean this would be my first party and I don't know anyone here except.

" pleaseee ash I don't wanna be bored!" he complained. I couldn't take a lot of whining so I just gave in to it.

" fine!" I exclaimed trying to shut him up because I hate when he whines like a dog even though he kinda is. he smiled and got up walking towards the door of my room.

" be ready at nine." and with that he left closing the door behind him. I furrowed my brows. why'd he want to go that bad and my wolf scratched on the inside I sat up. he''s never done that before I was like something was pulling me towards it and I couldn't control it then a name popped in my head that I didn't know the face that belonged to it.

trey paylin

who is trey?

" uhhhhggg I'm soo mad!" jon exclaimed loudly, his yell bouncing off the walls into an echo.

" why do you not like him so much j?" I asked without thinking and my hand shot up to my mouth.

"what do you mean why he's a faggot why not." he stated kinda 'matter of factly'. I frowned deeply feeling my forehead crease.

" don't say that word when I'm around." I said through gritted teeth. I hated it when he called other people names especially the word 'faggot' wich literally makes me want to bare my teeth a whoever uses it.

Jonathan put his hands up in retreat his face showing that he was scared but even if he didn't look like it I could smell the fear coming off of him.

" my bad I forgot." he said eyes wide. I just nodded and went past him on my way to my room.

" your not mad are you?" he asked kinda pleading like. his eyes full of regret and sorrow. I shook my head even if I tried to be I could never be angry at him for a long time without forgiving him easily.

" good for a second I thought you were mad at me." he said breathed a sigh of relief. I smiled and shook my head at him while chuckling.i walked into my room and locked the door behind me as I opened the closet.

" too much stuff not enough space!" I exclaimed quoting a closet space commercial. I chuckled to myself.

I wonder if trey saw me like I saw him. ever since I met him my wolf has been going crazy scratching at the surface, and at first I thought it was out of anger until I dreamt about doing naughty things to his body and had a little problem down south.

" ASH! It's time to go." jon yelled from downstairs. I looked at the clock 8:45. I've been fantasizing about trey for an hour now.

" hold on." I called back, basically shoving myself into my clothes. I had finally zipped up my leather jacket. I slipped on my white jordans that matched my white shirt.

I opened the door to see jon hand in a knocking position with an angry look on his face.

" took you long enough what were you doing in there?" he asked wiggling his eyebrow. ewww gross no, I said that trey's face immediately popped into my head.

NO! bad asher we do not think about boys that way especially the boy my best friend hates. I pushed the thought of him out of my head.

" shut up and get in the car." I growled at him making him narrow his eyes at me in warning.

he got in the driver side while I opened the passenger side angrily. I don't know what I'm angry at really, maybe it's because Trey is so perfect and I know I could have him because of jon and because he's human.

and that thought I turned towards janathan and a low growl escaped my lips.

" what are you growling about asher?" he said in a annoyed tone unaware that it was an accident. I looked back at the window.

" nothing sorry it was an accident." I said telling him half the truth. i didn't really like lying to him because I grew up in a house full of honesty I decided to call my friend Andy back in Wolverhampton. wolverhampton is my hometown it's the town I was in before my parents died in a war with vampires. and it's also the town I lived in before getting sent here to protect woodstock from vampires.

it rang two times before that familiar voice filled my ears I sighed when I heard it.

" helllooo?" he slurred sleepily in a low voice.

" andy were you sleep?" I asked worried if I woke him up, because I know he has finals this week and needs rest.

" nit anymore." he grumbled half asleep still.

" oh sorry. I'll hang up if you want some rest I cou-" he cut me off

" asher it's fine" he chuckled. andy has been my rock ever since jon moved here in Ireland four years ago.

" oh ok then ok then." I smiled relived that he's not mad. Andy has thing for vengeance when he's mad.

' so what's up " he asked nonchalant but quietly I wondered why he was whispering.

" about to go to a party with jon. oh and why are you whispering?" I asked super confused.

" nun it's my mum i'm not supposed to have my phone right now." he said still whispering in a hushed tone. i chuckled at his antics.

" well let me go before you get your stupid self in trouble." i said laughing at him.

" whatever dude, bye." he said hanging up. that boy i swear. i sighed again still thinking of

trey paylin

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