Last one standing

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I was running away and I looked behind me to see tommy slater following me with an axe so I ran into the lunch cabin

I seen the radio and decided to turn it on and carry on my wayward son starting playing it was me and my friends ziggy favorite song

I ran back into the kitchens closet and hid there carrying the knife with me that I grabbed before running into the closet

I covered my mouth so I didn't breath too loud I heard tommy walk into the back where the closet was and I accidentally stepped on something

I started to hear footsteps coming towards the closet I stayed still for a second and a minute later an axe started tearing the door down

I squatted down so the axe wouldn't hit me in the face and started sobbing I thought I was going to die

Then I heard ziggy and cindys voice they knew I was in here and their still alive tommy didn't get to them yet!

I heard something hit the door and ziggy and Cindy panting


Cindy opened the door and Cindy and ziggy were fine and I looked down to see tommy laying on the floor

"Oh my god ziggy"

"Y/n are you ok?"

Ziggy asked pulling me into a tight hug and Cindy joining the hug making it a little group hug

"Yes I'm fine I thought I was going to die"

I said pulling out of the jug

"We need to leave"

Cindy said

"But how the busses are gone?"

I said

"We can walk

"Cindy responded and we heard the door open so we all ducked behind the kitchen counter


"Guys it's just Nick"

I said standing up looking into nicks eyes

"Nick your not dead"

"Oh my god y/n are you ok? Have you seen ziggy and Cindy?"

"We're here"

Cindy said while her and ziggy stood up

"Ok come on we need to go before tommy gets back up"


I said stuttering looking at tommy in the floor, we all left and carry on my wayward son turned off and we all started to head home

It was a 2 hour walk of course before we left we took our bags along and some water from the kitchen

We had to hurry tho. We were now close to home and we decided to go back to ziggy and cindys house

It was only safe that we stayed together for a month or two before everything cleared up or so

Me Cindy ziggy and Nick slept in the floor in cindys room we took a shower before and I put on some of ziggy clothes

Nick wore ziggy and cindys dads clothes so he didn't have to wear his clothes he wore the night before

We stayed there until it was announced it was safe to go out again and so we did and all grew up

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