Ice pack

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"Earth to tommy"

"Y-yeah sorry nurse lane must have got me good I have a headache"

"It's ok I got ice here"

I put the ice packet on top of his head and held it there putting his hand on top of mine with my free hand

"For the swelling"

"Thanks babe"

"Oh my sweet tommy. are you ok?"

"Yeah I'll be fine"

The bell rang for lunch time and I got tommy to hold the ice packet on top of his head and we got up to go and get lunch
                         In the lunch cabin

Tommy didn't have the ice pack anymore and we were talking to Cindy and Alice

"Hey snitch hi y/n and tommy"

"Hey Alice and Cindy"

"Hi tommy"

"Hi Alice"

"Did you guys hear about nurse lane?"

"Yeah I sure have"

Tommy said

I started giggling and tommy looked over to me and then he looked over to an axe across the lunch cabin

I looked into his eyes and I could tell something was wrong so I waved my hand In front of his face


He didn't respond



He looked at me and slapped me causing me to fall off of my chair and I looked up at him terrified

"Tommy why would you slap me?!?"

"Babe I'm so sorry please i'm so sorry please forgive me"


I ran out of the lunch room sobbing and into sights cabin Cindy's little sister


"Y/n? What happened are you ok?"

"No tommy hit me"

I said sobbing even more harder

"That son of a bitch"

She pulled me into a hug and held me there for a few moments and let go I didn't know why I came to ziggy

Im kind of happy I did even though she's 2 years younger than me she still gave me good advice

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