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When Dream had asked for George's outfit to be ready by tomorrow morning, he had definitely done it with good intentions.

George had been a guard before he had been a knight. He had been both a very long time ago, so doing it all again felt slightly nostalgic.

Today, he was to accompany the king to visit the duke. He found it quite odd that instead of the duke and duchess coming to the palace, the king himself would go to the ducal home instead. But then again, this wouldn't have been the first encounter George had found to be weird. In fact, this was nothing near the weird he's seen in his life.

"Your highness, why are we visiting the ducal home instead of inviting them over?" Most people wouldn't have asked due to fear, yet George wasn't like most people.

The butlers and maids eyed George from the corners of their eyes, adjusting Dream's clothing for the day, awaiting for how the king would respond.

To their surprise, Dream's mouth had twitched into a smile that lasted no longer than a second before disappearing, "I wish to discuss certain affairs with someone there. As for why we're doing it there, with time you'll see for yourself."

George stayed quiet afterwards, as he usually would. In just a day, he knew it would be a routine for the rest of his life, he'd ask a question, Dream would answer, he'd stay quiet afterwards.

Although he knew a mere mortal couldn't have possibly kill him- a foolish person one would be to kill a God, he couldn't bring himself to pry for more. George could have lived his life as a king, yet he had chosen the route of knighthood, which also meant he had to act and respect his current king as one of his many people would.

In no time, the two were now entering the ducal home in a carriage that could fit more than two. In usual cases, the guard would have to ride a separate horse outside the carriage to guard their king, but due to circumstances, Dream had told him to ride with him in his carriage.

Even if George were given the chance of escaping into freedom yet again, he wouldn't have dared to take the chance, for he who had nothing and nowhere to call home needn't leave a place that could rebuild everything.

The entrance awaited a man with short black hair, a white headband wrapped around his head. He stood proudly with both hands on his hips, a big grin across his face.

As soon as Dream and George had gotten off the carriage, the man in front of them greeted his king, "Your majesty, the mighty Dream, it is a great honour to be in your presence." George's first instinct was to reach for his sword as he could sense the mockery in his choice of words. But a chuckle that came from the king had told him otherwise.

"You may rise, Marquess Sapnap. I believe a punishment can be sorted out for that sly comment?" Much to George's surprise, the king wore a matching grin to that of the Marquess, who now had a frown. Dream had let out another laugh upon the Marquess' reaction, shaking his head slightly. "This punishment shall be overlooked, a grin suits you better than a frown my friend."

Sapnap lets out what seemed to be a relieved sigh, but Dream added, "Of course, a few stacks of paperwork wouldn't hurt a fly." This caused a groan out of Sapnap while Dream simply smiled to himself, gesturing for Sapnap to lead him into the ducal home, away from listening ears.

Who were these people? George had wondered. The tyrant king, who was feared by all for being close enough to be counted as a God considering his power to wipe out even an entire kingdom alone-were it not for his mortality, to be as friendly and welcoming to a person such as this.

"You may all be dismissed," Sapnap told his and Dream's escorts. "Not this one, he's my personal guard." The king gestured towards George, to which Sapnap raised an eyebrow in question.

As soon as the room had cleared up, Sapnap asked, "Who might this be? I haven't seen such a person in the kingdom before. And how could such a delicate looking person even be considered as your personal guard?" Dream's gaze turned to George as if on instinct, confusing him on why he'd even bother considering and outsiders feelings. Yet George hadn't even come close to feeling offended.

Dream cleared his throat, "You may introduce yourself to him as well as informing him about your previous title, Sir George." George nodded his head slightly, placing a hand on his heart and bowing slightly, "As your majesty instructed, I am Sir George, previously the knight of the kingdom of Aphrodite, now the knight and guard of the king who rules the kingdom of Zeus."

"You may rise, Sir George." Sapnap spoke. George did as told, studying Sapnap's reaction. To which he simply hummed in amusement. His next words were not what George expected at all.

"So you're George. Would you like to spare with me sometime?"

"..Pardon me, Marquess Sapnap?" George asked in confusion, revealing a smirk that was barely visible by Dream. "Exactly what I said, George. Also, you needn't call me Marquess Sapnap when we're alone like this, just refer to be as Sapnap and I shall refer to you as George. Titles as such were always the cause of my headaches." Sapnap sighed dramatically as he placed two fingers on his forehead.

"Pardon his rudeness, Sir George. Some may even call it one of his few charming qualities." Dream rolled his eyes playfully, and just before Sapnap could retaliate, he added, "But I do grant you permission to call Sapnap by only using his first name." George nodded his head.

"It is an honour to be of your acquaintance Mar- Sapnap." George bowed his head before looking back up to find an unamused Sapnap. "No need for such formalities. After all, I'm looking forward to us becoming friends."

George hadn't known what to say after that, by simply nodding his head, he took his position next to Dream as he sat down and discussed what seemed to be important affairs with Sapnap.

Affairs as such hadn't concerned George, for he who hadn't an ounce of care for this kingdom needn't pay attention to the affairs amongst the people.

Just like how it was in all the previous kingdoms he'd served.

Instead he found himself wondering. Why had Sapnap chosen such words? Friends? Us? Had he also meant to include Dream? That the three of them would come to be friends? He found that quite hard to believe since George wasn't one to let down his guard, and neither Sapnap nor Dream looked ready to do the same.

"Sir George, we shall be moving on from this room. The answer to your question earlier will be revealed real soon." Dream announced, snapping George out of his thoughts. Giving Dream a nod, George followed behind Dream as Sapnap led the way.

"Father has been looking forward to your visits, Dream." Sapnap told the king who simply hummed in return.

The doors opened to reveal a room, a bedroom to be more precise. A single king sized bed which laid the Duke of Armstrong. Finally, the answer clicked within George.

"I greet the Duke of Armstrong." George bowed to him as the way he did to Marquess Sapnap. The duke had let out a chuckle, "No need for such formalities young one, stand straight, for I should be the one kneeling down to greet our king."

Dream lets out a subtle laugh, "We're both aware of your condition, duke. You needn't try and worsen it any more, Sapnap here might just have a stroke." From the corner of his eye he noticed Sapnap pouting as he grumbled some complaints.

The duke lets out a tired laugh, "Ah yes. The one involving the loss of my legs and how my health is slowly deteriorating." George felt his breath hitch slightly in his throat.

The Duke of Armstrong had fought in a war against the Kingdom of Athena over a decade ago. A twinge of guilt spiked within George before it was washed away into nothing within mere milliseconds.

He couldn't have stopped himself from partaking in the war. Not when it was for his previous kingdom, the Kingdom of Aphrodite.

If it weren't for the fact that a friend he'd known of suffered the same fate he did in the Kingdom of Athena, he wouldn't have bothered to spare a single ounce of care for the kingdom at all.

It was then that the Kingdom of Aphrodite joined hands with the Kingdom of Athena to go into war against the current kingdom he served, the Kingdom of Ares.

George wondered how peaceful of a life his friend was currently living in.

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