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"We could do it by the borders. Our kingdom has always been in close relations to them. This is a great way to improve our union!" A man spoke.

"A trading like this is quite risky. Also, let us not dismiss the fact that this union was only formed 2 years ago, it could be a trap.." another man spoke, his sentence being quieter at the end.

The man from before slammed his hand down on the table, "Are you questioning all the efforts that our king has done for this union to work? You-"

George tuned out of the conversation. A habit that he's gotten much better at. After all, it was rude to listen in on affairs of another kingdom. Even if it was the current kingdom he served.

When Dream had asked George to escort him to his weekly imperial meetings, he did not expect to also have him stand guard inside the room, directly behind the seat of the king, being able to hear everything, and to somewhat be a "participant" in the meeting.

But George could only obey his orders, even with the glares and whispers going around the room full of old men and women from different houses respectively.

What surprised George even more was that the duke, Sapnap, was actually acting well-mannered during all this. He sat with a serious face, listening attentively to the words of others and giving in informative input whenever needed to, reporting whatever must be reported.

George had definitely underestimated the duke's abilities.

He moved his head towards the side slightly, just enough for him to look out the window from the corner of his eye. The sun was blazing above the kingdom, which meant that it was time for the imperial knights' training to take place.

But George hadn't seen a single knight outside. Excluding a woman and two men, one of which he'd met a few days ago, Captain Punz.

They seemed to be laughing amongst each other, exchanging a basket full of Gods knows what. George was about to make a mental note to report this to his majesty, but decided against it once he saw the unknown man take out an apple from the basket.

Once he'd realise what he'd done, he had an urge to chuckle at his foolish thoughts, but held it in for the sake of not drawing anymore attention to himself. When was it that he started to care what happens to this country? Was it because he'd swore upon his loyalty that he'd care so much about what could happen if the contents of the basket were just not mere fruit? Or was it simply because he thought ahead of the burden and consequences which would come afterwards?

Either way, with these thoughts flooding in his mind, he hadn't felt as uneasy as he thought he would. After all, he didn't deserve to hold any grudges, not when he's done worse things.

"-rge. Sir George. George!" Dream called, causing him to snap back into reality. Realising where he was, and what he'd done. The king's face was written with concern, everyone had exited the meeting room and they were the only two remaining.

George knelt down on one knee, bowing his head in shame, "I apologise for diverting my attention elsewhere from your majesty's safety. I will accept any punishment that you bestow upon me." No matter how tough it might be, George would be ready to take it on. For he had made a mistake once again.

"Sir George, you may rise." the king spoke. George didn't show any hesitation in rising, meeting his majesty's eyes, awaiting his next words, "I do not blame you for averting your attention elsewhere, for this meeting must've been a bore to you. In all honesty, I've brought you here to show the houses of my new knight and guard, so that they shall not dare make a move against me. For you will be the one that protects me."

Those words again. He wondered what the king meant. He said that on the first day they met too. Blindspots. What blindspots were they? And why was he so certain that George would be the one to protect him?

"Thank you, your majesty. I will forever be grateful to receive your forgiveness for my foolish act." George bowed his head slightly, placing a hand on his front and another one on the back. "If you are grateful then come to the market with me."

Of course there'd still be a price he'd have to pay. But had he misheard the king's words?

"..Forgive me once again, for I am in quite a daze at the moment.. but did your majesty just told me to.. go to the kingdom's market with you?" George looked up to study the king's features, only to see a bright smile illuminating from his face.

"You are forgiven. You've not misheard, Sir George. Even as a king or a knight and guard, we too, need some leisurely time to ourselves. It is what keeps us sane from this quiet place after all." So, it was simply out of pure boredom?

"Also, you will have a better look at the layout of the kingdom, making it easier for you to do certain tasks outside the castle." Of course, there was always a catch. "But who will take care of the kingdom's duties while we are gone?"

Dream turned around and began to walk, George following him from behind, "Worry not. For as much as a tyrant as I am, I've too come prepared. Foolish, you may enter!"

A man, with eyes as green as emerald entered the room. George had never seen this man before, yet he somehow looked familiar.

"I await your orders, your majesty." the man named Foolish knelt down on one knee before the king, bowing his head in showing respect.

"Foolish, you may raise your head. For you shall carry out the same procedures as you did five months ago. Become my decoy and handle all the remaining work for today. Only call for me or Duke Armstrong when needed, and never tell anyone of this matter."

Now that George looked closely, the two looked somewhat similar, except for Foolish's eyes, it was like they were an exact clone of each other. But yet, something inside told him that's not the reason why he sensed a familiarity within him.

"I will carry out your orders as planned your majesty. Need I prepare anything for your departure?" Foolish asked, raising his head. George noticed his blank yet dark expression, making him feel slightly uneasy, his hand reaching slightly for his sword.

Dream who'd sensed George's sudden hostility, moved to the side slightly, covering George fully with his tall build. "Yes, prepare some commoner's clothes and a bag of coins. No guards are required, for I have one here who shall be accompanying me."

At that moment, Foolish and George had made eye contact. George could sense the hesitation as they stared each other down, yet he'd seemed to obey the king's wishes.

"Very well, your clothes shall be prepared in each respective rooms. The bag of coins shall also be prepared shortly." Foolish was the first to break eye contact, keeping on that blank yet dark expression.

Dream nodded at him, "You may take your leave now, my royal advisor, FoolishG."

And at that moment, as Foolish bowed and took his leave, George had remembered who he was. FoolishG, the so-called descendant of the God of Ares. A possible immortal God in their midst.

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