Her Beginning And The End

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In a faraway land, where all kinds of magical creatures, elves, dwarves and humans live in harmony, there stood a powerful empire.

The emperor, a ruler second to none, fell in love with a prostitute he met on the streets.

He was the father of Erebus.

Erebus was borne between the love of her father and mother.

However, contrary to what you would expect from two people who bore a child together out of love, this ironically, was the beginning of her sufferings.


Despite the opposition of the empire's nobles, he still married Erebus' mother. He pampered her and gave her everything she wanted as long as he had the power to do so.

Erebus' mother was loved by the The emperor and his people, as she was, a kind and lovable person.

On the day of Erebus' birth, was the day of her mother's death.

To the Emperor and his people, the newborn child who had only been brought upon the world less than a quarter an hour ago was to blame.

"A monster...!" they all hatefully thought in unison.

Erebus who was the the reason the beloved Empress of the Scotus Empire had passed away, was hated just as much as her mother was loved.

The Emperor was about to kill his own child.

Ironically, it was the nobles who stopped him from killing his only child. They knew that Erebus would be the only child their Emperor would give birth to. For the Emperor was infertile.

Why else would they allow a lowly commoner, much less a prostitute to have the seat of the Empress? It was because she was the only woman who could give birth to the Emperor's child! and it is also so they could control the future emperor and rule the world!

Therefore, they convinced the Emperor in every possible way and they succeeded.


The Emperor raised Erebus and it has been 16 years then.

He raised Erebus as if, she were an animal. No, it was worse than that. She was raised as if she was no more but a mere lowly toy.

The Emperor would whip Erebus every time he was angry.

He would torture her if he was bored.

He would beat her up whenever he felt like it.

The Emperor would 'reward' Erebus if he was in a very very good mood. He would dump her a rotten loaf of bread.

To the Erebus who only ate the horse's rotten leftover food, the rotten loaf of bread was considered a delicacy.

Hence, very time Erebus' father would 'reward' her, she would smile brightly at her father.

And Every time the Emperor would smile back at her, with a hint of schadenfreude.

Seeing her stoic father smile, the innocent Erebus would beam even more happily.

All this would happen under the basis that it was Erebus' 'punishment'. For killing her mother, for killing his beloved.

At that time Erebus was still a naïve and innocent child.

She thought that her father's actions were completely justified.

That it was just right to punish a sinner like her.

So, she endured.

Even when her father would torture her.

Even when the palace's servants would dare lay a hand on her.

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