The Search.

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Rae PoV

My vision is blurry. I feel weakened. I'm tired, I forgot where I am... Seattle! The Nuclear Accelerator! Isaac! Jordan! Cierra, Bethany, Sophie, and those two other dudes! I saw a door open. "Hello, Rae. I assume that by now you know that you lost your powers." That explains why I'm weakened! I've lost my powers, to this guy! "However, it is temporary. Your friend is right across the hall." He has Sophie too! "Who are you?!?!" I shouted."I, am Gideon. Or, as all people know me, SkydoesMinecraft." It's Adam. "You know, Rae? I am not human. I am from Glantua. My planet is dying, so we need the bits of Earth to save it. That is my cause, and it is for a good cause. All Glantuan people are counting on me. Remember the Chicago Fire? That was caused by my great father, Akluan.'' He explained. "Rae, come. I will show you Sophie."

Jordan PoV

Through the wrecks of Seattle, we went everywhere looking for the both of them. We were multi-tasking. Finding Rae and Sophie through Seattle and also helping the trapped civillians. It was hard enough that they got kidnapped, but it was harder to find them. But we have nothing to worry about. Isaac can track her powers, unless she lost them. A coffee shop has burned down. I have heard they have the bestest coffee in the world. Well, it's chilly here. We should've searched for Sophie and Rae, instead, Isaac insisted on going to a 7 eleven. We had dinner there. I now have realized that I was more hungry.

Sophie PoV

I heard a door squeak. I haven't known where I was, or the others. It was clearly intimidating. When that door opened, I saw Rae and some other guy in a mask. Rae saw me, and then quickly rushed for me. She told me that she lost her powers. She also told me the guy is SkyDoesMinecraft. Frickin expected this. She looks pale, almost like all her blood was drained. She said the same to me too.

Isaac PoV

I started getting frustrated. We ere looking for almost a fay, and we have better stuff to do. Wait, I have a theory. If the guy that set off the Nuclear Accelerator, then that must be his base! I told all of them about my theory. Cierra suggested that we could go now to the bomb, but it might cost all of our powers. "If it's to save both of them, I'll take that risk." Jordan said. He's willing to sacrifice his life for two people that we just met. This is the moment of everything.
- So, did you like it? :) I love you guys.

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