Chapter 41

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They clamped my wrists in irons and paraded me off the ship. Preening like peacocks at the great war prize they had obtained.  The last remaining monarch of Arendale. 

I wanted to keep my head high, like a queen should always do,  but my gaze trailed the ships hull in sadness. Elsa would've kept her head up. Always so good at keeping it in. But she's gone and I'm not Elsa.

Conceal Don't Feel. Would probably have been what she would have told me to do.

The lifeboat was lowered into the water. I finally lifted my head to take in my surroundings. This was the first time I'd ever been anywhere other then Arendale.  The rays of the setting sun giving the water a heavenly glow. I saw the Gilah Island ahead. I've often heard of its great beauty, and the tales were true. To bad I was in no mood to appreciate it.

The entire viking fleet was harboring in and around the island coves. As I could see, It looked nearly 10 ships strong. My heart sunk. These were well, long ships. My few remaining officers had talked about this. Called Roskilde Ships, These vessels of war were 100 ft long and held a crew of 80-90 men. Even if my armies and The Southern Isles combined did come after me, we'd be outnumbered 3 to 1.

The waves lapped calmly against the side of the boat. It was almost ironic how serene and peaceful everything was.            I closed my eyes, enjoying the sun for a short second. Warmth was something I hadn't felt in two months. It was actually hot. I was reminded that despite the frosty conditions back home, everywhere else, it was still summer.

"Ready to meet Prince Charming?" The Captain asked. It was he who held my 'leash'.  "Been there,  done that." I find myself answering with irony. "Its not all its worked up to be."

We rowed towards the Dragonship. The head vessel. It was a terrifying sight, a monster ship. It's black hull and blood red sails seemed so out of place in the serene paradise setting of the beautiful island.

Whoops and cheers errupted from its deck when our little rowboat came into its line of sight. Catcalls and wolf whistles followed as I was undignifiedly hoisted onto the Viking Lords Ship. 

The Captain jerked roughly at my wrist bindings, pulling me towards the stairs leading to my betrotheds quarters. 

He opens the door and shoves me inside, closing the door behind him. A high backed chair stands on the other side of the room. The only light emanating from the fireplace directly in front of it.

"My Lord..." He calls out the the figure in the chair. "We found her."

I hold my breath as the chair slides backwards and a barbarian rises from it.  I watch him stand and it's like he doesn't stop growing taller. I didn't know human beings could become so large. He turns to face us and I can't help but gasp. 

Like most other vikings he was ungodly muscular. Clad in leather, before me stood a man in his late 40s. A ghastly scar ran down the side of his face, missing his eye by a mere centimeter.

"It is about time." His voice sounds like the growl of a bear. "Fetch the officiator, we shall have the ceremony right away.  I shall waste no more time."  With a bow of respect the Captain exited the cabin and I was left alone with him.

He walked closer, eying me like the hungry bear he was. He looked me up and down, walking around me. He grabbed a lock of my hair and brought it to his nose. I tried not to flinch. Lord Dregg encircled back to my front. Grabbing my chin and turning my face left and right. Examining me like one might examine a prime cut of beef at the butchershop.

"What a lot of trouble for such a little thing. You were not the one I originally wanted." He speaks and I nearly choke to death on his foul breath. "Sure you are pretty enough,  you would have ended up in my bed anyways or passed amongst my officers." I cringe at these words. "But I wanted the other one. The one with the ivory skin and white hair. The witch." He was talking about Elsa.

"Sorry to disappoint." I finally snap. "My Sister came down with a slight case of murder. Courtesy of your army." I was filled with so much hate. I have no idea where all this spite and arrogance is coming from. I must be spending to much time with Hans. "Hope I'm not to much of a burden. "

This only causes him to grin. "Ahh, so the little queen does has a bit of fire.  You will be so much fun to break."

I flinch again. "If I marry you, you will stop slaughtering my people?" I push the fear away and ask. This just makes him laugh. "Anna isn't it?" He asks, I nod. "Well Anna,  it's quaint how you think you have a choice in this." His voice is menacing and stern.  "Just to be clear,  you do not. You will marry me, you will become one of my wives, and I shall inherit the rights to your kindom."

Wives?  I nearly gag.

Thats right, Viking customs dictate the right to more then one wife. Undoubtedly these poor souls were other royals. Other war prizes.

"But to answer your question... Yes I shall cease the killing." I sigh slightly in relief, but that is soon crushed. "You can't sell dead slaves."

My rage fades to sadness and a silent tear for my country falls down my cheek. "Your eminence..." The Captain knocks on the door. "The Sage is here."

Still bound, I was led back up onto the deck for the ceremony.  The the bow stood an

ancient man with a snow white beard, dressed in blue robes and  carrying a twisted staff enters the room. This must be the Vikings equivalent of a priest.

The horde parted to let there leader pass through with his new bride to be.

I see that an alter of sorts had been set up. Candles lit, and why is there a goat?

The Lord Dregg grips me tightly by his side as the little man recites an incantation in a language I can't understand, or maybe I'm just not really paying attention. i try to struggle but I feel the Captain pressing the poiny of crude sword between my shoulder blades.

My eyes widen when the frail old man unsheathes a small engraved blade. In one swift, practiced motion,  he slits the throat of the small white creature who was tied to the alter. A sacrifice to some pagen goddess called Frigga. He caught the blood in a small stone bowl and began mixing herbs into it. The scent of blood hits my nostrils and I nearly throw up. My gagging causes all the troops behind me to start laughing. 

The dead animal is cleared away and taken down to the  ships Galley to be cooked.

At some point in this ceremony my "fiancé" slips a gold band rather roughly onto my finger. It was engraved with a odd looking hammer. For apparently the God Of Thunder.

But then the ceremony got worse. He pours the blood into a satchel and begins swinging it at us. Spraying us with a strong mist of blood.

"May Odin and Frigga bless this marriage."

The man closes his leather parchment and leaves.

That was it?

I was married to this thing. Tears stream ungaurded dowm my face. There is nothing more I can do. All is lost.

A cannon fires in the distance.

A bell begins to toll and I hear a frenzied cry from the viking ship closest to us.

"We are under attack!"


-Authors Note -

Hi guys.... Oh No, Annas married!

I know that wedding was a little disturbing but there is a history lesson here for everyone. That's how Norse Weddings actually went down.  Hope you enjoyed this chapter.  Can't wait to read your comments. Don't forget to vote! Thanks for all your support,  you guys are the best!

- Geekpower1

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