Chapter 48

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"Hans!" I screamed In horror and disbelief, violently tearing myself away from Kristof, who had valiantly continued to guard me, even after chaos had struck, I ran towards my fallen prince.

Tears blurred my vision as I roughly shoved past the soldiers standing on my way. Elsa stood rigid as a statue, dumbstruck, hands covering her mouth in shock. Likewise, she couldn't belive what just happened either.

I finally reached him, his eyes met mine, the pain in them washing away the second he saw me. The arrow had completely pierced his chest, penetrating just centimeters away from his heart, in the space between it and his shoulder. Blood was now starting to seep out from under him.

Tears flowing freely, dropping to my knees, I lifted his head gently into my lap, his eyes never leaving mine. "Anna." He whispered hoarsly with a pained attempt at a smile. "It's ok Hans, I'm here." I soothed, stroking a stray piece of copper colored hair out of his eyes.

"He.. he saved me." My sister words came out with bated breath, bending down across from me. His eyes moved from me to her. She glanced at the arrow and the blood pooling out of it, the arrow ment for her. "Why?" She asked. "Why would you do that?!"

I was so overtaken by what had just happened that I didn't even see Kristof, or the odd young man with the frosted white hair and ice powers encircling us. "Because I couldn't let her lose you a second time, I owe you both that much." The wounded prince addressed the ice queen, and my heart strings started snapped painfully. He had done this for me.... This selfish, manipulative, arrogant, power hungry prince had gone the ultimate mile... for me.

Elsa's petrified expression melted away.
"I know this doesn't even begin to make up for what I tried to do." His breathing loosing it's pace with each word. He was drifting away slowly, the blood pooling out of his wound and staining the cool blue fabric of my sisters beautiful dress. "Hans, stay awake!" I pleaded, rocking him gently. He was still loosing blood, his body would rather sleep then deal with the pain, it was not just the stab wound, he still had his injuries from before this battle, the slash on his arm, the cracked ribs... it was all to much.

"Hans!" My sister cried, gripping his hand and squeezing It. His eyes slowly opened, gazing in a stupor barred suprise at the sight of the cold pale hand on his skin.
"Elsa, I'm sorry." Was all he could say before his green eyes started to close again. Then it happened, My sisters lips parted and out escaped those 3 little words. "I forgive you."

His eyes closed completely. "No. NO!" I shrieked in morning. This wasn't fair. He couldn't be gone. The foreiner reached over and pressed two fingers into the base of Hans neck in a strange motion.
"He's still alive." Stated the man. "How can you tell?" I questioned. "He's got a pulse." Replied the stranger. "A what?" Asked Kristof. "It means his hearts still beating."

"Jack what are you going to do?" Elsa stood up and asked. "The guide..." I heard him whisper. "Didn't she say she was a healer?" Elsa nodded. "But that a days sailing, at least." She countered. "He won't make it that long."

"I have an idea."
Less then a minute later the entire crew helped to lower Hans into one of the small landing boats of the Gaurdian, I watched in awe as this pale ice magician used his ice powers to blast himself across the water at such a high speed that within seconds he was out of the line of sight.

I slumped into Elsa's arms and we shared a long, sisterly hug. "I can't believe your alive." I was nearly in tears as I spoke. "I missed you so much." "I missed you to Anna, that is why I fought so hard to get back to you." She squeezed tighter. I pulled back and took both her hands. "Where were you?" She shot me a sort of sarcastic smile, like what she would answer would sound unbelievable. "The year 2014."





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