Chapter 26

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(Jacks) POV

As we flew the tension between us grew. It lingered like a fog In the peek of morning. I hating fighting with Elsa. And the thought of her mad at me was unsettling. I found myself constantly sneaking glances at her. She looked perfect. She was perfect. I loved the color of her hair. So near to my own, and the pink of her rosy cheeks. I loved the way she laughed and the way she smiled.

She was not afraid to say what she felt and to tell you things for how they are, or how she thinks they are. But right now at this moment she was not doing any of those things. She wasn't smiling or laughing or really doing anything besides staring out into the distance of the ground below. She looked deep in thought.
What could she be thinking? Hopefully not about me...not anything bad anyway. It's not like she would be thinking anything good about me right? Why would she? Anytime I try and show her affection she pulls back like a prideful lion. And that hurts more then I would like to admit. It is nobody's fault but mine of course. After all she is a queen, a ruler, and to her I am just a commoner.
And then that's when it hit me. The reason I have been so wound up and irritated lately. It's because of her.
I have deep feelings for her and she would never have them back.

How could she? She said it herself. I have one. Why would she ever want me? She wouldn't and she doesn't.

As stupid as it sounds, I think I've been in love with her from the moment I saw her sleeping peacefully, entombed in ice.


(Elsa POV)

I was lost in thought for the longest time, thinking about everything and yet nothing at all. Why did this happen to me? Way was it so hard? Why did this life have to be mine?
Don't get me wrong I loved the way my life was before all I this. Before everything and everyone I loved got ripped away from me. Sure I had struggled hard with my powers for years, had my ups and downs, and all and of course who can forget the time that nut job of a prince had tried to kill me and marry my sister. But after that life was pretty good. For a short time everything felt as it should be. Anna seemed to have found love with Kristoff and they seemed very happy and that made me happy for them. But that's the thing I never been happy for me. It's always been about other people and their happiness. Could I ever have that? Could I ever be the one that's happy?
I glanced over at Jack.
Then I quickly looked away.
He could never be happy with me. My heart is much to icy for his mischievous one.

Lately the mere sight of me makes him angry. He just thinks of me as a spoiled little rich girl. And maybe I am. People do as I say and I pretty much can have anything I want. But I don't. I treat my people with respect. I am queen after all. But I am a fair and just ruler. This last year, my people have begun to adore me and I am grateful for it. I could never rule over them and have them hate me. They are my people. I must provide and protect them. And that is what I do. That is my duty as queen. Such is the life of a monarch, the countries happiness always must come before your own.

I do admit that I am not used to not getting my way. And Jack challenges me. He treats me as his equal and everyone's equal. I am used to making the tough decisions. And having people constantly depending on me And it's so hard to think that one wrong move you make can lead to the downfall of your entire kingdom.
I am not used to depending on anyone. But yet here I am with Jack. I hate to admit it to myself but I need him. I need Jack.


(Jack POV)

I felt the Center of gravity change when my feet touched down onto the ground.

"Wow" Elsa said in amazement as she walked out of the alleyway that we landed in and took in the scenery of Rome.

It was a sight to see. Tall ancient brick and marble buildings surrounded us. Crowds of people walking by in a hurry to get wherever it was they needed to be. But not Elsa. Her eyes lit up like the forth of July when she saw the architectural miracle of the buildings.

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