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Y'all basically know me as Sanah, which is my nickname, well, my actual nickname is Sana, given by my Aunt. I added that extra H, cause... Why not?

But my real name is Mayesura Taiyeba.

Mayesura means a soft voice or someone who speaks sweetly or softly. And if you're wondering, yeah, it is an Arabic name.

Taiyeba, means pious. And now to clear out doubts that people normally have; Taiyeba is actually a title or just a part of my name. And yes, there is a difference between a title and a last name/surname.

Surname or Last name, is your family name. The name which remains a constant for all the members in your family even if it is not mentioned in their official name. In that way, I have a surname, and it's a really common one, and my parents really wanted something unique for me, so yeah.

While on the other hand, Title is simply a title. Like a special name given for someone. Now a few titles which were given centuries ago have now become surnames of their own, but a few titles just remain as titles. Even my family has a title which they continue, and no, it's not Taiyeba. Taiyeba is a feminine word. Taiyeba is just my title, and my family has some other title.

I know it's confusing, but the basic difference between title and surname is that, you can throw away your title, but you can not throw away your surname.

For a title, out of sight and out of mind, means it's out of existence for you too. Like I do not have the same title as my parents.

But for a surname, no matter what happens, you can not give it up. Like, I do not mention my surname, but that doesn't mean that I'm not a part of my family, duh.

If you are still confused, feel free to ask me.

My irl friends usually call me Maye or some other distortion of my real name and I love them all.

You all can call me whatever, because, well, also why not?

I am from Kolkata, a city in West Bengal, a state in India, a country in Asia, a continent in the world.

Hope that made some sense~

Anywaaaaaaayyyys, I think all of you are well aware of the country India, and if you're not, it's kinda just the south of China, and also has a whole arse ocean named after itself, and it's exactly above that ocean.

Now a few of you who studied a bit of history might know that before India's independence and such shiz, which is basically before 1947, India consisted of three countries, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, and before that partition, this state called Bengal was divided into two in 1905, into West Bengal and East Bengal, which is now Bangladesh. I belong to this state of West Bengal, which basically means I have a hell lot of relatives from Bangladesh too, and I'm well aware of the cultures of both these countries.

Oh and that brings me to languages. India has a dynamillion national languages and it's really not possible for me to learn all of those. But Hindi is a real important language in India, cause it's one of the most popular languages.

So I speak, Bengali; that's my mother tongue, English; that's the language I learn in school, Hindi; also a language I learnt in school. And I can read and write Arabic, but I'm not fluent in it, cause I have lost touch basically. Oh and there was a tuke when I was obsessed with Spanish and tried learning it in those language learning apps and failed miserably. Other than all of that, u really want to learn sign language~

Now moving on to Kolkata, a.k.a. the city of Joy, really adds up to its name. We have these huge number of Bengali festivals to celebrate and then there are even more religious occassions which are equally celebrated here. So it's just that the city is always celebrating one thing or the other.

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