Chapter 27: Why me?

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"Why? Why do you always put yourself in danger for us!?" 

"Because, I wouldn't be able to take it if one of you died because of me. I just cant bring myself to do that." I said as I tried to comfort Belfast by patting her on her head.

Another voice came from the backseat of the car. "How do you think we feel?" When I looked back, I saw the started squad looking at me with worried expressions. 

"I just don't want to lose more people that I care about." I said as the memory of my parents flashed through my mind. "I wouldn't be able to take it anymore."

"Just promise me that you will not rush in and sacrifice yourself." Belfast said in a demanding tone.

"I don't make promises. I know that I cant keep them." I stated bluntly. "But, I will try to not try to sacrifice myself."

"Thank you...Now come on, you've still got school." 

The ride to my house and the ride to school was rather quiet. Everyone was just left to their thoughts to think about the recent events. When we got to school, I was met by some interested stares. They were all looking at my bandages.

I just ignored these stared and made my way to my classroom. When I arrived at my classroom, I just sat down at my seat and stared at the roof.

'How long is this war going to go on for?' I thought to myself. 'Aren't we just fighting a losing battle?' I let out a sigh.

"Hey Acro, are you in there?" 

I was pulled out of my thoughts and looked to my left to see Javelin staring at me.

"Why are you just staring at the celling?" 

"More importantly, why do you have all of those bandages around you?" Rose said as she inspected the bandages that wrapped around me. "Was it something that happened at work? You never answered our calls."

"Yeah, lets just say that there was a bit of an accident." I gave her a sheepish smile. 

"An accident you say? Lemme see the damage." Rose walked over to me and began to undo the bandages that were around my arm.

I just didn't resist because I knew that she would not let me go if I didn't show her. When the bandages finally were taken off, she just sat there stunned at the wounds that she saw.

"See look, accident." I said as I presented my arm like a product.

"What did you even do to get it like that? Did you go through a human sized blender?" Lily poked her head over Roses shoulder.

"I mean...Yeah, pretty much." I nonchalantly.

"What?" Rose gave me one of the most confused stares that she has ever given me.

"Long story short, some sh*t happened."

"Why won't you just tell me why you ended up like that?" She pouted.

"Cause I can."

"No, just tell me now." Rose stated as she repeatedly hit my arm.

"Fine then...An alien with super speed and really sharp claws turned into a human sized blender with me in the middle of it." I said in a very teasing tone.

"Why are you always like this!?" She exclaimed.

This gained the attention of the whole class and they all just started at me.

"You guys just do your thing, don't mind us." I said as I looked back at Rose. "C'mon, you should know that it isn't very polite to dig into something that someone else isn't very comfortable with."


"Everything wont go your way and that's just how it goes."

*Ring Ring*

When I checked my phone, I saw that Belfast was calling me. When I answered, Belfast instantly started talking.

"Acro, I just got word from the higher ups. They said that you are to stay at base to scout for more siren attacks."

"Lemme guess, is it because they have been appearing pretty much every day?"

"As far as I know, yes." She replied.

"So, are you picking me up or..."

"Yeah, I'm driving back. I've already called the school, so you're free to go."

"Alright, I'll be waiting at the front gate." I hung up and stood up.

"Who was that?" Rose asked.

"So pretty much, you might not see me for a bit...But I don't really know." I replied as I walked over to the starter squad who were looking at their phones. "You got the message?"

"Yep." Nimi replied.

"Alright, lets go." 

When we got to the front gate, Belfast was already parked on the side of the road. We all just got in the car and drove off. 

"So we're going to be staying at base to watch out for more siren attacks?" 

"Yes, we can't have another one of those incidents happen again. Especially when there are new siren types appearing"

"I hope this whole thing will end soon enough. I really don't want to have to do this thing anymore."

"Acro please take this more seriously, the whole world is at stake." Belfast said with a worried expression.

I let out a sigh. "I know that, I just cant find myself to do this. I mean why'd did the higher ups choose me of all people?"

"Hey Acro, I heard that the admiral is coming here to check up on everything. You can ask her about why she chose you." Nimi said, showing me a next on her phone.

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