chapter 2: the speech (idk)

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I was backstage trying to calm myself down but to no avail. I was freaking out and had no way to calm myself down.

"Thank you for waiting, we will now have our new commander come and tell you how he will lead us to victory. please welcome Mr Acro Yang."

Hearing that I nervously walked out onto stage "Uhh h-hey everyone, i will be your commander now on. So continuing on i will be the one that will lead us to victory and defeat the sirens. That will be it for now so do we have any questions?"

I distantly see one hand hand raised in the audience "Yes you in the back."

"are you sure that you cut out to be our commander? i don't really see much potential in you" She said 

i take a deep breath "I may not seem like it but I have been able to command a group of people to do things. I never wanted to be the leader in those situations but I knew that we would get no progress down, so i forced myself to take that role. Whenever something becomes a dispute i will be able to either stop it. I will be there to support you and command you. I was always forced into these positions and always had to take the role of the leader. I may not enjoy it, but i will be able to lead you." 

A lot of the people in the crowd was not convinced. 

I sighed " I'll always be here to help, that's all for me now... Goodbye" I walked off stage


It was dark out and I was sitting on a bench, thinking about how I messed that speech up. 

"Umm... excuse me?" 

I just looked up and said "Is there anything you need?"

"Vestal needs to speak to you."

"Okay... thanks for letting me know." I said as I got up to walk off to the infirmary.

When I arrived Vestal was already waiting outside of the infirmary.

"Did you need me for something?" 

"So about the injuries you sustained, you just gotta take it easy for the next week and you should be just fine. Anyways hurry up, your ride home is already here." Vestal pointed at a car in the distance.

"Alright, see ya in a few days"

I walked off and go into the car, only to see Belfast in the driver seat.

So do you know where we are going?"

"Yes commander, I do." she replied

"Imma just not question that." I said as i stared out of the window.

We drove off, and the car ride was mostly quiet. Since I wanted to break the silence and for the fact that I wanted to know if I made a good first impression.

"Hey Belfast?"

"yes, commander?" She replied

"Do you think that i made a good impression?" I asked

"Personally I think you where fine, but lots of people already started to make rumors about you." 

I started at her for a moment. Did I really mess up that bad? 

"What where the rumors about?" 

"They where saying "Could he be worse than the first commander?" or "He isn't going to last as long as the first as the first commander." and many more things similar to that." Belfast replied 

"I'm not trying to make this sound like an interrogation, but how long did the last commander last?"

"two days." I mentally facepalmed at that statement.

But after that, the car ride was silent. it was silent until we arrived at my place.

"Where here." Belfast said

"Thanks for the ride."

"Before i leave, i will be here at approximately 6:00 AM on Friday and Saturday and Sunday i will be here at 8:00 AM to pick you up."

"Thanks a lot for letting me know." i said as i walked off into my house.

when i got in, i saw Emily sitting on the couch staring at her phone. 

I sneaked up behind her and shouted "Guess who's back!"

"Oh hey Acro."

"so how was it?" i asked

"How was what?" 

"The hospital of course."

"It was fine. But what happened there?" she asked as she pointed at the bandage.

"Pretty much I shielded you from the impact and i got out of it with some glass stuck in my arm."

"ouch." Emily got off of the couch and said "i'm going to sleep, i was onlt waiting here to make sure you where fine."

"alright see ya tomorrow."



I woke up to my alarm, I sleepily got out of bed to get ready for school. When I went to wash my face and brush my teeth, I was partway washing my face and I had this sudden urge of boredom. I just tried to get ready, I was already dressed in my school uniform after that i just sat there. I didn't have enough motivation to do anything.

I sighed "Emily!!"

Emily sluggishly walked into my room "What?"

"Could you give some motivation to go to school."

"Hmmm" Emily walked up to me and flicked my forehead "If you don't go to school, I will make an effort to never leave your room for the next week."

At that point i already was out the door. "Welp, see ya later."

I started to walk to school. As I got closer to school i saw more and more students heading to school. When i was at the school gate, everyone was either staring at me or whispering to other people. This only got worse when i got to my homeroom, when I arrived I went to my usual table at the corner of the room on my own. 

"This is gonna suck more than the speech."

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