Chapter 36: Delinquent Or Not?

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After leaving the gas station I began to make my way straight back to the cave but the problem was that the same girl that was literally just telling me off was no following me, and when I mean following I mean she was straight up just sprinting at me.

And thus began my marathon around the plaza to lose this girl. Needless to say, I almost instantly tripped on a tree root as soon as I started running. I didn't even bother getting up, I just let myself be subjugated to the fate that would soon befall onto me. 

"Wow, dude are you okay? That was a pretty rough fall." From the way this person spoke, she was a completely new person.

"Things have been better." I muttered.

"Hey man, ya gotta repeat that. I didn't quite hear you there." She said as she began to pull my hood off. And just like that, my hood was pulled right off of my head.  "Woah, didn't expect you to have black hair."

I shot right up and pulled my hood back up. And before I could say something, her appearance really surprised me. She wore a black hoodie with a maroon skirt with stripes. She had primarily white hair but she also had black highlights. Her eyes were a fierce red but her expression told a completely different story. She had a really laid back expression and she seemed a lot more like a delinquent than the other girl that was just chasing me.

 She had a really laid back expression and she seemed a lot more like a delinquent than the other girl that was just chasing me

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"I wasn't expecting this face when I heard your voice." I said as I patted the dirt off of my cloak.

She let out a light giggle. "Yeah, I get that quite a lot."

"Anyways regarding my hair, I would rather you not talk about it." I said as I fiddled with the hood. 

"Why not? I think it's really cool. It's really rare to find someone with black hair." She said as she tried to pull my hood up but to no avail. "I think you should really show it off."

"I'd rather not."

"Okay, whatever you say dude."

The distant sound of footsteps came closer and closer. It was the siren girl that was following me earlier and when she caught up with me, she began yelling.

"Why the F**k did you just start running!?" She said panting. as she put down her bag.

"Why did you start following me?" I retorted.

"Am I interrupting something?" The other siren girl asked.

"No you are not." I replied.

"Why did you even go into the gas station without getting anything!?"

"I don't got money." 

"I don't know if I should be laughing or not." She said a she reached her hand into her bag and pulled out a bag of star candy. "Here."

"Why?" I said as I took the bag of star candy.

"Doesn't that cloak mean a lot to you?"

"Not really, this is just a cloak. I mean there was this one time I was given this jacket that was similar to the one that she is wearing, well minus the patterns and add a zipper. But yeah, that's about it."

"So you're telling me that I ran all the way here for nothing."

"Pretty much." I could tell that she was about to explode just from what she asked. "You can go...I'm not keeping you here against your will."

"Yep! It was nice meeting you!" She said as she quickly rose to her feet and ran off.

I turned over to the other girl. "You can go too."

"Okay, and just before I leave, from what I've seen at school Hisoka is a little rough around the edges. So it was really weird to see her actually do that kind of thing."

"So she was a delinquent. No offence but you look much more like a delinquent than Hisoka." 

"Dude...That's like saying that I look like some random person you saw on the streets. Like why would I take offence?"

"You never know when it comes to certain people." I chuckled.

'Yeah, I guess it's like that sometimes." She said as she stood up and patted herself off. "Just to make sure, you're that Sona's friend? Right?"

"Yeah, it's Ace. Before you go, can I get your name too?"

"Maiko. Maiko Suzuki."

"Nice to meet you Maiko."

"Yup, nice to meet ya Ace." Maiko said as she began to walk away.

Then it hit me that Eugen had no idea on where I was. And just like that, I had to make the long trek back to the cave that we lived in. When I arrived back at the plaza, I went straight to Otto's shop to say hi. 

And just as soon as I was about to open the door someone shouted. "There you are!" 

When I looked back I saw Eugen running towards me.


"Don't 'Hi' me! You literally left without a trace!"

"What if I told you that you told me that you wanted a few more hours to sleep." I said calmly as I tried to diffuse this situation.


"I left so you could get some more sleep. And you should stop yelling, it's not too good for your voice to yell so much. It's like the same thing I tell Rose when she gets annoyed. You'll hurt your vocal cords."

"Wow, you sound so much like a dad." Eugen said teasingly.

"Mmmm, what's that supposed to mean?" I retorted.

"It means that you sound like a dad." She giggled.

"So I'm a dad now?"

"Do you want to become my-"

I immediately cut her off. "Lets just not go down that rabbit hole." 

"Aww, why not?"

"What the hell do you mean 'Why not'!?"

"Hey now, you should stop yelling. You're gonna hurt your voice."

"You really gonna hit me with what I just said?"

"Yes I am."

"Wow, I've never seen Sona act like this." When I heard this voice, I looked back to only see Otto.

"Well yeah she's like this."

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