
701 31 15

~Da Kurlzz~

I drove. It was so quiet driving by myself, the radio was faint, which you could hardly even understand what it was singing. It was nice; the silence. Whenever my car got caught up in traffic, I'd look up at the smoggy sky to see the sun trying to shine through the pollution clouds. It was a nice day, but the smog made it seem like a gloomy day.

It was a gloomy day, in fact.

Since a month days have been this way. No matter how sunny it was out, it was always dark to us 6. To us 7. Every time it got better, it would get worse. The pain he felt was shared with us. We felt some pain. The pain of shattering hearts. The hurt of slowly loosing him.

We were loosing him.

A stop light came out of nowhere and I slammed on the brakes. My tires slightly screeched, and other people in different lanes gave me their attention. After glancing at a couple, I peered down at my feet. The boot was still on my foot and leg, and I wore one black Nike shoe with a white swoosh. My breathing accelerated. It felt like I was in a whir.

We were loosing FunnyMan.

Dylan Alvarez.

My head rest against the steering wheel as I waited. Trying so hard not to panic. Just a few minutes ago I got a call from Esmé. She had been staying by Dylan's side for the whole month. Her sobs filled the phone, the panic in her voice was too much.

"He stopped breathing.. He stopped breathing!" She squealed in horror, between racking sobs.

That was just a few seconds ago. Her voice, the flatline in the background, the doctors and nurses shouting in the background.

"God damn it!" I screamed in my car, throwing my fist at the wheel, hitting it and honking the horn. The light turned green, which let me speed past it in 1 second.

A tear instantly dropped from my eye as I sped passed people. My hazards were on. The tears blurred my vision as I drove, once in awhile I had to slow just to wipe them away with my index finger, then only to find myself speeding up once again.

"He stopped breathing.."

I tugged carelessly at my curly hair.

"He stopped breathing!"


I panicked. His flatline made me feel like a train just plowed me over. The nurses took my arms to lead me out of the room. I fought. Jorel fought as well, flinging himself around ragingly like a wild animal, screaming, "NO!"

I did the same while tears streamed down my face. This couldn't be happening. Was this a nightmare? No, it wasn't.. It wasn't.

I continued to struggle. Johnny rushed to J, wrapping his arms around his flailing ones, dragging him out. I felt someone's warm chest touch my back. Soon, arms snaked around me, holding my arms. I flailed my legs. It was Charlie, and he lifted me from the ground and staggered out of the room with me.

"No! No! NO!" I screamed, breaking away from Jordon's grip, flinging myself at Dylan's room door. I hit the floor, collapsing in front of it. I heard a low sobbing behind me.


It was happening. He was going. I would never see his face again. I'd never get to touch him, hug him lovingly like I used to. I could hear everything that was going on in the room from the crack below the door.

Gentle arms went around my torso, slowly lifting me up. I lay limp, but when I was stood up I fell into his arms. Matthew embraced me, letting me bury my face in his chest. I felt one of his tears hit my cheek softly. We both cried. We all cried.

I never got to say goodbye to him.

Yeah, it's a cliff hanger. Don't get too mad!

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