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A week later


"You just sit back and relax." I say, panting from all the work it took to get Dylan up the stairs in his wheelchair. He couldn't walk from his ribs and leg. It was too much for him if he used crutches.

Shelby basically kicked the door down as she barged in. The others piled in behind her, including another guy. Johnny was no where to be found, but the guys didn't seem to care.

The new guy looked oddly familiar, and he slowly pushed by the others to greet FunnyMan. Dylan slowly sat up painfully, turning to the man and grinning joyfully.

"Danny! What up my man?" Dylan hoarsely yet loudly exclaimed, giving the man a handshake.

"I'm so glad you're alright." Danny smiled.

The others sat down on the other couches or on the floor. Aron sat on the floor, ignoring everyone that was around him. He was on his phone the whole time texting someone.

Matthew walked out of the kitchen with a bottle of beer in his hand. He finally got his brace off, still trying to get used to walking normally. Kurlzz still had a small limp from getting used to the boot. He popped the cap off his bottle and sat next to me, wrapping an arm around me.

Shelby sat on Jorel's lap, playing with his cheeks. It was pretty funny, since he didn't give a sh*t about what she was doing. Jorel would be conversing with the guys, and Shelby would poke his face like she's never seen it before.

Johnny walked through the door. A girl was behind him, slightly shy and unknown to her surroundings. We made eye contact, and she sent me a wave which made me smile and wave back.

"Sorry I'm late, wanted you guys to meet someone knew." George says, the gently giant slowly pulling the lady into his arms.

"I'm Kiara." She smiled, and I knew exactly what she was thinking.

I'm actually meeting my heroes and my favorite band ever.

I stood up, and I was the first to shake her hand. George sat in an empty spot on the couch, having Kiara sit right next to him. Aron was sucked into his phone by the time, so Johnny smacked him upside the head, taking the phone out of his hands.

"What the actual f*ck George?" Deuce turned to the man, anger filling his face. The others chuckled.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You've been acting like this for too long!" George's booming voice filling the room. Kiara seemed to be a bit shaken up, especially when the twig stood up to face Johnny.

"Give me a break." Was all Aron had said before stomping out the door. The room was silent.

Kiara scanned the room, and she finally smiled gleefully after the small mishap. She was pretty, and was about my age. I knew right away that Shelby, her and I would get along.

"You're from American Idol!" Kiara beamed, pointing at Daniel.

"Yes Ma'am." Danny smiled, popping his knuckles out of the blue. Yuck.

"He's Deuce's sub as well." Jorel said.

~Johnny 3 Tear~

Kiara sat next to me, slightly shaking from meeting all the guys. It was excitement that had struck her.

It's been a week since I've met her, and I really liked her. I was glad that I got to know her, glad that I actually wrote my number down for her.

Dylan was finally home and safely recovering. Everyone was less stressed out because there was no possible way that he could die now. We had to be careful with his head still, but that was just one thing we had to be careful of.

Aron was the only thing we were stressing over. He's changed rapidly, and it was like he was on a man period 24/7. I honestly had no idea what to do with him. We all loved him so much, so we did what he wanted and he tried to do what we wanted because of that. We weren't sure on what to do with him. All of us knew Aron wasn't depressed or in the middle of anything bad. He missed rehearsals and missed concerts. That's why we had to get our friend, Danny to do most of his work.

Maybe it was time to talk to the guys about Aron more.

Maybe we had to kick him out.

Kurly Q (Hollywood Undead FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now