Chapter 14

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After touring most if the kingdom, Zephyr realized that there were numerous assignments and jobs to do. He seemed to like the idea of scouting, but knowing that he was new to the tribe, the odds of getting what he wanted seemed minimal. The sun began to slowly go down, like it did everyday. But today was different, the closer to night it was the closer to dinner it was. Which ment his bride to be would be waiting.

"Ugh, I don't wanna go through with this. Do I?" The question he asked himself so many times that evening. And now, he was just waltzing into royalty.

Two guards sat at the frontal enterence. "Aye boy, I take it your the one the princess has been speaking of?" A certain aroma of authority surrounded him. Almost as if he himself knew what it was like to be a true leader. This just made Zephyr all the more worried, how could he, a Mudwing and Seawing hybrid, possibly rule a kingdom of other Mudwings?

"Uh, yes sir." He was anxious. Almost too anxious, but not of being brought into a royal family, but of what the Queen may think. He had heard the story's of how she, Gamma of the Mudwings could be ruthless and nasty towards all who opposed her. After all, if she where to kill her daughter when they battled for the throne, she would know exactly who was going to be the king. Which in a sence ment, that his life could be on the line.

The guards just nodded, didn't even seem to care. At this point continuing to think made Zephyr just more anxious, so he found it best just to stop.

Walking down that same corridor that he had earlyer that day seemed almost as if it, or rather he, could be a traitor. More guards lead him to the dinning hall. A massive room carved out of the stone, curving upwards in a spiraling cone; which lead to a loan entrance in the roof for the sun, moon, rain, and whatever else may be in the sky to come in.

Gazing at the gem studded walls, he heard a voice calling his name. Looking up Zephyr saw Delta standing with here mother. She was smiling, as was her Gamma, but likely not for long. "Zephyr! Come and great my mother please. She'd love to actually meet you this time!"

She didn't seem worrisome, but still all the more reason to be cautious, forgetting that Delta didn't know aquatic, He flashed a warning sign. While walking over. "Hello, my Queen..." He was unsure of what to say. It wasn't like him to be around this much power.

Smiling, she just simply nodded and said, "What was that flashy thing you did back there? I must know. It was.... How do you say, uh, beautiful." She just continuously studied his scales, almost looking through Zephyr like he wasn't there, it was just scales.

"Oh it was, a, uh... A greeting in aquatic. Its how we communicate under water." He didn't want to lie, but it was that or be scolded for it.

This only seemed to mesmerize the queen even more, it took Delta clawing her hind quarter to get her to stop. "Ah, yes! We should eat! Uh, we sent some of our hunters to fetch all the delicacies they could find. Unfortunately we only found a small variety of fish, but we tried."

Zephyr felt astonished that she the Queen might do whatever she could to please her guests. "Well thank you ma'am; But I can eat more than fish you know, I'll actually eat about everything and anything you ask of me too."

The Queen just continued to smile, "Spoken like a true Mudwing! We feast!" Her voice echoed throughout the whole castle and didn't stop for a while. When it did she just walked over to the head of the table and sat down, reaching for whatever food lay in front of her.

Looking over at Delta, Zephyr raised a brow, "When do you plan on telling her?"

She just smiled, "All in good time, all in good time..."

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