Chapter 4

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The Mudwing kingdom was rainy that day, but then again it almost always was, "Zephyr, I'm not sure about this, they may know you but they don't know me, what if I'm killed, the Mudwings weren't on our side of the war you know." Amber was scared, but she knew she had to be brave, just this one time.

Walking up to the gate a massive guard approached them,  smirking he said, "Now, what might two Seawing dragonets be doing wandering around the Mud kingdom? Have they come to steal our wealth? Or could it be something more..."

"Actually, we've uh, we've come to see his Father." Said Amber. Still a little shaky thinking that Zephyr might be that big so day.

"Oh yeah? Then who might be this dragonets Father, and why would he be in our kingdom as well?" Questioned the guard, still suspicious.

"His name is Landslide, sir I've come to join my second tribe. I am half Mudwing on his side. I've spent almost my whole life in the Sea kingdom, but now I have become an outcast. So I come here now to request to live with him." Replied Zephyr.

"Ahhh, come. We have lots to do if we are to induct you into the kingdom, I'll see that she is given a bed."


"My son! He has come to live here! You know you look much like your mother, Zephyr tell me though, why have you come?" Said Landslide, a rather large Mudwing with a dark hide.

"Actually, that's why I've come, I was banished from the sea kingdom, because I was accused of stealing the queens egg. I didn't fight the case because I didnt feel that I belonged." Zephyr replied with the kind of voice that said, I've done this a thousand times.

"And the girl who is she." Asked his father.

"Her name is Amber, she's a... uh, friend. But dad, how might I be inducted into the tribe, beings that I'll be living here, I'd just like to get to know the family and maybe... maybe make a life here."

Smiling Landslide said, "That my son is why I have so much faith in you. But about the induction, you will have to prove yourself in front of the whole tribe, as all the previous Mudwings before you have. The elders will select three challenges for you to preform, you will have a week to prepare, but first let's go see your brothers and sisters.


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