chapter one

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Clarke just got back to her appartment after a very long day at her job but the bright side about today was that her boss was retired today and wouldn't have to see him ever again . However he did gave her a lot of work today and she didn't even finish all of it .

Clarke just hopes that the person that replaces her boss won't be as bad as him but she wouldn't think about that right now . First she had an entire weekend to prepare herself for her first day for her new boss .

She had been working for a few years now as an assistant at a very big company but to say it had been a hell was just an understatement , she wouldn't miss that man at all .

Clarke entered her appartment and looks around seeing it was a mess. she shared the appartment with her boyfriend Finn who had a little party again with his friends and of course it had been to much too ask to clean his mess up .

She started to pick up his empty beer bottles and that's when she heard someone walking into her appartment and followed by the sound of her best friend Raven .

" Griffin!! are you ready to party ?!!" Clarke let's out a small sigh at that , definetely not in the mood to party right now, she was just so exhausted and just wanted to get into her bed and sleep for an entire year . " She was picking up Finn's beer bottles when raven entered the room where Clarke was . and she turns to look and saw the big mess in her appartment . Raven knew this wasn't Clarke's mess , but from Finn .

" Griffin.... please tell me you're not cleaning his mess again , that's not for you to do and what's with that face ? Aren't you happy that titus retired today ?"

Clarke looks at raven and shrugs , not really having the energy to respond to all those questions right now .

" Of course i'm happy that he's out of there but i'm not in the party mood right now and i need to clean this up before Finn gets back from wherever he's at right now so can we just do a rain check .

" But raven wasn't having it and wouldn't taking no for an answer and grabs clarke's wrists , pulling her to her bedroom where she opened clarke's closet to see if there was a nice outfit for clarke to wear .

" you're going with me griffin , you need to have some fun and relax a little . now help me choose a sexy outfit for you .

" Clarke didn't look amused when her best friend literally dragged her in her bedroom after she told her she wouldn't go out and crossed her arms, taking a step backwards and shook her head

" NO raven! I can't go out ... look Finn can come home any moment and if he sees that the appartment isn't clean or his dinner isn't ready then he's going to-... he's gonna be not happy .

" Raven knew what kinda guy finn was , she knew that he had beaten clarke up more than once and she's told clarke that she should leave him but she never did , not even when she found out that Finn cheated on her with multiple girls . Even raven used to have a big crush on Finn but that definetely was over now , she just wishes that her best friend would leave that bastard .

" Clarke...i still think you should leave him.. he's not good for you and you know he has cheated on you more than once . I still don't get why you haven't reported him or why you haven't left him yet ..

" She let's out a big sigh not wanting to hear this again even though she knew that raven was right but she just couldn't leave him not after that Finn threatened clarke that he would hurt her badly if she left him .

" raven please ... can you drop it? I'm not in the mood okay ? "

" NO clarke , i can't stand that he's beaten up my best friend ! look i really care about you and i want you to be happy , you deserve that .. . "

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